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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. --LlamaAl (discusión) 03:01 14 ene 2014 (UTC)Responder

Re: Needed your help


Hello, Wagino 20100516. Yes, it is possible for my bot to make the task, and in fact, since some years ago, I have planned to do it progressively in all the projects where Emijrp stopped to do it, but I have been really busy during those years. Anyway, for each project, first some things must be arranged: the ranking pages should be in the Wikipedia: namespace, as they will no longer be of that user's responsability, and it's an information useful and updatable for all the community (and your message confirms it :); and the pages should be named in the local language, not in English. I need you to suggest me a proper title in indonesian for both rankings or, even better, to do the page moves to those titles for me (I guess I would need to be autoconfirmed there to do it). If that is solved, hopefully I can start the bot there in the first days of August, during my vacation. I wait for your answer. Regards, - José Emilio –jem– Tú dirás... 18:47 15 jul 2015 (UTC)Responder

Hello again. As you have probably seen, my bot has begun the task. My idea of "the first days of August" is between August 1st and August 10th, and I have accomplished that :). Now, please keep me updated if there is any problem or suggestion; for example, it could be useful to have the "Updating ranking" summary translated. Regards, - José Emilio –jem– Tú dirás... 12:11 12 ago 2015 (UTC)Responder
About your last petition: it can be done, but it's not an easy nor soon-to-be-done task. Both Wikipedia:Ranking de creaciones (sin redirecciones) and Wikipedia:Ranking de creaciones are waiting for bot updates since several years ago in es.wikipedia; I have been thinking about that problem and I have some ideas, but I need to study carefully the task, as probably both pages should be merged in one. Of course, es.wikipedia comes first, so when things are working here, I will try to "copy" the process to id.wikipedia; I'll keep you informed. Regards, - José Emilio –jem– Tú dirás... 13:19 16 ago 2015 (UTC)Responder

Re: Wrong data


Hello again. Yes, there was wrong data and it was my fault, I made some improvements in the code of the bot but I didn't test them deep enough, sorry. I fixed it some hours ago, and it shouldn't happen again. Regards, - José Emilio –jem– Tú dirás... 19:53 18 ago 2015 (UTC)Responder