
This photo was founded here [1], and the website armyguide sugest then the modernization of te AIFV's, with teh adquidsition of the UT-30 turrets. No more comments.

My dear friend.

I just read and make the article, but the discretional facilities of the governments are so mucho large to your knowledgement, here in Colombia, many people doesn't know how is the quantities and the references of the reserved materials in our army, police and navy and marine corps. One data: In the colombian navy they have almost 80~120 BTR-80 Caribe in service, but this number is only the official plant of these APC.

In the real world is very and really probed when you talk about this tags, the number of these APC's are most significant when you know about the theme, that can round the 150 or 300 of this APC in the actual production; (actually are assemble in COTECMAR), and other APC are manufactured here, with the misunderstanding of the citizens.

Greetings from COLOMBIA, mijo!!!! Colombia  Colombia Plinito; seriedad para la vida, ombe!!! (discusión) 13:03 25 abr 2011 (UTC)Responder

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