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Bienvenido! // Welcome! If you need some help wiht Spanish, let me know. --Dianai, enviarme un mensaje 13:27 6 ene, 2005 (CET)

Argentina: authorization to use www.presidencia.gov.ar pictures



I've seen the authorization referred in your message. Please note the following:

  1. The authorization states that "Todo el contenido de www.presidencia.gov.ar es de uso publico", i.e., coarsely translated All contents of www.presidencia.gov.ar are free for public use. The authorization does not seem to imply freedoms for redistribution and modification, as required by GFDL.
  2. The authorization is signed by Pedro Janices, who was indeed the site's webmaster by that time. I can witness that, since I've been in contact with Pedro for years. However, and despite his good intentions, Pedro has not the legal authority to release government's property. To be in the safe side, the authorization should be signed by the Secretary of Media ("Secretaría de Medios de Comunicación"), Enrique Albistur, or one of his Undersecretaries.
  3. The images in the site do not have a specific copyright notice or express exemptions. Therefore, standard copyright law applies.

On the practical side, I don't believe that the Executive Office of Argentina would sue anyone for using their photos or excerpts of them, as far as the user keeps them unmodified except for the editing work necessary to fit them in web pages or printed media. That seems to be obvious from the fact that all photos appearing in http://www.presidencia.gov.ar/fotografias.aspx can be downloaded at high resolution for free (even if a simple registration process is required). However, from a purely legal viewpoint, there is nothing authorizing anyone to use the photos under a GFDL or similar free license.

I would suggest to try contacting them again, in order to obtain a more explicit authorization. It could be useful to explain the scope of the free licenses available. Perhaps --and only perhaps-- they would allow the use under a CC-by-sa license, particularly because there is a version of CC adapted to Argentinian law.

If you can, please keep me informed of any new developments in this issue, and let me know if I can be of any help.

Regards from the Far South, Cinabrium -- mensajes 00:44 27 oct, 2005 (CEST)

I'll make a try. We already have a NO for an answer, so nothing would be lost in trying :). I'll try some way (thru friends) of reaching the Secretary of Media (who is also well known in the field of advertising). On verra! Regards, Cinabrium -- mensajes 11:13 27 oct, 2005 (CEST)

Ley colombiana


Siento no poderte ayudar en estos momentos. El tema me interesa también, por razones obvias, pero no he tenido tiempo de investigarlo. Si encuentro algo lo haré saber.

Carlos Th (M·C) en Wikivacaciones 15:42 14 ene 2006 (CET)