Muy buena la tabla en Energía solar fotovoltaica, aunque sería deseable una introducción o referencia, aunque sea mínima, sobre el contenido. Saludos, Tano 19:15 4 ago 2006 (CEST)

Ok, I took the information from the site you told me, en:Photovoltaics. Also, I don't understood yet about the parameters of the table. If you know about, I'll apreciate. Thanks, Tano 21:15 9 ago 2006 (CEST)
Oh, thanks a lot! Yes I know about it, cause I created it. :) The calculation is the following for 3,000€/kWp, 2000 kWh/year, 4% interest and 1% cost of operation: Money costs: 3000€ * 0.04 = 120€/year, depreciation: 3,000€/20 years = 150€/year, cost of operation: 3,000€ * 0.01 = 30€/year, sum: 120€/year + 150€/year + 30€/year = 300€/year. Now devide 300€/year through the kWh/year ==> 300€/year / 2,000kWh/year = 15 cent/kWh. That's it. For your information: At the moment more as 500 million persons boost PV (most of them in europe). As far as I know Spain pays 42 Cent/kWh for 25 years and you have a lot of sun. :) You really can earn a lot of money and do something useful for our future. PV must grow very fast. We must increase the production by factor 1000!
I just see "de dólar por kWh". This thould be "€-cent por kWh" (or something like this :)) of course. The table isn't completely the same cause ours is in € and the english one is in $. The values are the same an independent of $ or € cause the are proportional.

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