The struggle of opposites is a relation of necessity between forces present in all nature’s functions. In nature we are witnesses to the battle and collaboration between light’s particles and space energy force fields. If light’s particles spin, push and pull fluctuations exist, space force fields emerge necessarily as a consequence to these actions, since light and space are the basic actors of reality. In systems of opposite forces, one element is action, the other must be its complementary reaction, both are inseparable, connected, to form a convenient unit. When one operates, the other necessarily has to be influenced complementing it or as a consequence of its operation. Through their opposition they create certain cooperation, the unity of the structure. This unity of light forces spinning and space’s fields is above their opposition, the cause of all natural existence, a single system in which the spinning, pushing and pulling forces are coordinated or in chaos, one needs the other for their existence. Spinning and zigzagging actions of light emerging as disruptive can become constructive force fields and are always present inside or next to a multitude of structures with all sizes, forms, configurations, energies, and strengths, products of theirs frequency of pulsations.

    Energy-less light was all locked up and concentrated in a singular, space-less, dimensionless particle before the universe or time existed as we know them, acquiring spinning energy and expanding force fields a fraction of a second after the big bang. Space’s expanding force against a dense light field then permeated space and reality was a hot soup of melted photons. 
      The heat was created by a spinning and crashing of particles due to the presence of a dense gravity field. Later light mass-less photons coalesced into a multitude of opposite charged attracted particles due to a cooling tendency of the universe. The opposite spinning particles were suited with charged force fields with opposite electromagnetic forces. Eventually the interaction and binding of opposite particles within their particular force fields were postulated to confer mass to a multitude of hydrogen and helium clouds. We will see that force fields are induced by light’s spinning and opposite forces acting on space, and that the later structuring of mass was the resulting product of the binding of both, this knowledge will lead us to an increasingly intimate view of the underlying dichotomy and unity of nature.

    Light’s subatomic particles create with their spin and pulsations the attraction between opposites charged fields, and the repulsion between equally charged fields. They are an integral and pervasive component of the material world. The repulsive electric fields between protons in the nucleus of atoms, keep them apart but the nuclear binding forces of quarks keep them inside the same stable nucleus if their number is limited to a critical amount. 

     The electro-magnetic fields are bi-polar, a characteristic that indicates their binding and expanding actions composition. The binding interaction of particles through their force fields generates the mass of particles and bodies. Light’s photons are waves of binding and repelling forces of particles zigzagging in space, participating in the energy .....

This is the prologue of a new theory, a revolutionary interpretation of Nature. It is a dialectical study of it. Peres triana (discusión) 19:32 9 nov 2010 (UTC)