Mi nombre de usuario es: Metztli y lo seleccioné porque me identifico con la luna y me interesa el idioma Náhuatl. He encontrado mucha información valiosa aquí y me gustaría contribuir en un futuro cercano. Por el momento estoy un poco ocupada pero tengo en mente algunas contribuciones para Wikipedia.
Mis contribuciones son:
La bahía de Jiquilisco (que es un lugar que me gusta mucho de mi país y sobre el cuál he hecho algunas investigaciones)
Do not believe in anything (simply)
because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions because they
have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything because it is
spoken and rumoured by many.
Do not believe in anything (simply) because
it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority
of your teachers and elders.
But after observation and analysis,
when you find that anything agrees with reason
and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all
then accept it and live up to it. Buddha
(Anguttara Nikaya, Vol 1,188 –193 P.T.S. Ed.)
Life is one big road with lots of signs.
So when you riding through the ruts,
don't complicate your mind.
Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy.
Don't bury your thoughts,
put your vision to reality.
Wake Up and Live!
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery,
none but ourselves can free our mind.