I considered myself an Independent thinker, I try to be Objective and impartial. I am fluent in both English and Spanish and my contributions are primarily as a translator, I have corrected a lot of articles, but I have not created an orticle of my own. There are so many articles which need corrections and re-translations because they have been translated literally or word by word and they lack context. This happens in translations of Articles in English to Spanish as well as Spanish to English
Me considero una persona de pensar independiente, es decir trato de ser objetivo e inparcial. Se Ingles y Español y mis contribuciones soy mayormente como traductor, no he creado my propio articulo todavía, ya que hay una gran cantidad de articulos de wikipedia que han sido traducidos en una forma literal palabra por palabra y por lo cual carecen de sentido y contexto. Esto sucede en casos de articulos traducidos tanto del Ingles al Español; como del Español al Ingles.