Anexo:Basílicas y catedrales católicas de Estados Unidos
Este artículo recoge todas las basílicas y catedrales de Estados Unidos, templos que tienen especial relevancia eclesiástica en la organización de las distintas iglesias del país. Además, desde el punto de vista arquitectónico, esas iglesias son algunos de los mejores ejemplos de arquitectura religiosa del país y la mayoría se encuentran incluidas en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos. La denominación y estatus de catedral como sede de un obispo está ligada al cristianismo y a sus distintas confesiones, en especial al catolicismo, anglicanismo e iglesias ortodoxas. Otras religiones practicadas en el país —judaísmo, metodismo, baptismo— no la usan aunque jerárquicamente tengan sus equivalentes.
En lo que atañe a la confesión católica, la Iglesia Católica Americana, en Estados Unidos en julio de 2024, son 264 las iglesias que tienen la condición de catedral —195 catedrales actuales, 17 concatedrales, 3 protocatedrales y 37 antiguas catedrales, que por haber sido sede de diócesis en el pasado llevan por siempre tal título canónico y honorífico— y otras 92 iglesias más la condición de basílica[1] por habérseles concedido por declaración papal. De esos templos, 25 tienen la doble condición de catedral (actual o antigua) y basílica. Eclesiásticamente, la confesión católica en Estados Unidos se organiza en 197 jurisdicciones: 1 sede metropolitana, 177 diócesis latinas incluidas 32 archidiócesis, 1 Ordinariato Militar y 1 Ordinariato personal, cada una encabezada por un obispo (de alguna clase) que tiene su sede en una catedral[2] (Véase en: Anexo:Diócesis latinas de Estados Unidos). Además hay 18 eparquías católicas orientales, incluidas 2 archieparquías y una eparquía siro-malankar.
En lo que respecta a la confesión anglicana, la Iglesia episcopal en los Estados Unidos se organiza en nueve provincias eclesiásticas y 97 diócesis.[Nota 1]
Distinción eclesiástica católica
editarDesde el punto de vista religioso, una catedral es un templo cristiano en el que el obispo tiene sede o cátedra —lugar desde donde preside la comunidad cristiana, enseñando la vida de fe y la doctrina—, siendo así la iglesia principal de cada diócesis o iglesia particular.
Además, una iglesia católica tiene la consideración de «basílica» por prerrogativa del romano pontífice a causa de su importancia, circunstancias históricas o relevancia. Esto le otorga el derecho a lucir en el altar mayor dos signos de la dignidad papal y la unión con la Santa Sede: el conopeo o umbraculum y el tintinábulo. Además, el Santo Padre concede a la comunidad que rinde culto en la basílica la gracia de ganar la indulgencia plenaria si visita el templo en cuatro ocasiones especiales: el día de San Pedro y San Pablo, el día de la Cátedra de San Pedro, el aniversario de la entronización del pontífice reinante, y otra fecha del año elegida libremente. Para que un templo pueda alcanzar el título basilical, debe reunir tres requisitos:
- ser un templo de excepcional esplendor, levantado con un perfil destacado;
- ser foco espiritual de una comunidad o santuario para la multitud de devotos que acuden a él;
- tener bajo sus bóvedas un tesoro espiritual y sagrado, dando culto ininterrumpido al Señor, a la Virgen y al Santo venerado en él.
Solamente cuatro basílicas de Roma son consideradas basílicas mayores o papales[3] —San Pedro, San Juan de Letrán, San Pablo Extramuros y Santa María la Mayor, pertenecientes formalmente a Ciudad del Vaticano— siendo todas las demás basílicas del mundo basílicas menores.
Distinción arquitectónica
editarDesde el punto de vista compositivo, se habla de iglesias basilicales a las que siguen la tipología de las primitivas iglesias paleocristianas, de nave longitudinal única y acceso por uno de los extremos. Fueron iglesias basilicales muchas de las primitivas iglesias visigóticas, de las que apenas quedan ejemplos más que en España.
También se usan las expresiones aspecto, dimensiones o proporciones catedralicio(s)/a(s) cuando las iglesias, en general por sus grandes dimensiones y disposición, se asemejan a las mejores catedrales eclesiales. Son ejemplo de esto iglesias con destacadas portadas, con importantes cúpulas y cimborrios, con torres y campanarios de gran altura, o con gran número de naves y tramos.
Aclaraciones sobre la tabla
editarIglesia católica CAT | ||||
Basílicas con declaración (todas con n.º) |
Catedral (con n.º, basílica-catedral) |
Concatedral (con n.º, basílica-concatedral) |
Antigua catedral (con n.º, basílica-excatedral) |
Basílicas y catedrales nominales (sin relevancia litúrgica) |
Eparquías católicas orientales en EE. UU. inmediatamente sujetas a la Santa Sede | ||||
Iglesia caldea | Iglesia maronita | Iglesia greco-melquita | Iglesia siria | Iglesia siro-malabar |
Eparquías católicas orientales de EE. UU. y Canadá e inmediatamente sujetas a la Santa Sede | ||||
Iglesia rito armenio | Iglesia greco-rumana | Iglesia siro-malankar | Iglesia greco-ucraniana | Iglesia bizantina rutena |
La tabla se ha ordenado del siguiente modo:
- Iglesias católicas:
- primero las basílicas, por orden cronológico según fecha de declaración; el número de orden corresponde al que se les asigna en el sitio de referencia «»;[4] si la entrada es «s/n», hace referencia a nuevas basílicas no recogidas en el sitio.
- luego las catedrales de rito romano, por orden alfabético de ciudades: primero las catedrales actuales, luego las concatedrales y finalmente las antiguas catedrales; las catedrales de algún rito que no sea el romano aparecen en cada uno de los anteriores apartados en último lugar;
- finalmente, las basílicas en sentido estrictamente arquitéctónico, que responden a una tipología y no a la liturgia.
- Iglesias anglicanas, ordenadas según las diferentes afiliaciones;
- Iglesias ortodoxas, también agrupadas según las distintas ramas.
Iglesia ortodoxa ORT | |||
ROCOR Iglesia ortodoxa rusa fuera de Rusia (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) |
OCA Iglesia Ortodoxa en América (The Orthodox Church in America - OCA/TOCA)) |
UOC Iglesia ortodoxa ucraniana de USA (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (UOC of USA) |
Iglesia anglicana ANG | |||
TEC Episcopales (The Episcopal Church (TEC) o The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, PECUSA) |
ACNA (Anglican Church in North America, ACNA) |
++++ |
Basílicas y catedrales de Estados Unidos
editarCatedrales sin función episcopal
editar- West Angeles Cathedral (Pentecostal) en Los Ángeles, California
- Cathedral of Promise (Metropolitan Community Church) Sacramento, California
- The First Cathedral, "A Church for all people" en Bloomfield, Connecticut (Non-Denominational)
- National City Christian Church (Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)), Washington D. C.
- Sunshine Cathedral, en Fort Lauderdale (Metropolitan Community Church)
- Cathedral of the Rockies, en Boise (United Methodist)
- Greater Allen A. M. E. Cathedral of New York (Jamaica, Queens) (African Methodist Episcopal)
- Cathedral of the Air en Lakehurst
- Philip G. Cochran Memorial United Methodist Church, in Dawson, Pennsylvania (United Methodist)
- Cathedral of Hope (United Church of Christ)
- Cathedral of Hope, en Pittsburgh (Presbyterian)
- Christ Cathedral (Fayetteville, North Carolina) (non-denominational)
- Mount Olive Cathedral, en Memphis, Tennessee (Christian Methodist Episcopal)
- SunCoast Cathedral, Venice, Florida
editar- ↑ Los nombres oficiales especificados en la constitución de la Iglesia son The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America (PECUSA) y The Episcopal Church (TEC) y en español, «Iglesia Episcopal Protestante de los Estados Unidos de América», o sencillamente «Iglesia Episcopal». La iglesia se organiza en 113 diocesis, dado que comprende además de los Estados Unidos, las Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses, Haití, Taiwán, Colombia, República Dominicana, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico y Venezuela. Las 97 diócesis corresponden con el territorio estadounidense.
- ↑ La catedral se trasladó en 2006 a Kalamazo y el edificio fue vendido en 2007 a la Valley Family Church, una iglesia no-denominacional.
- ↑ Véase en:
- ↑ Véase en la entrada «Catholic Church in United States of America (USA)» del sitio, disponible en: [1].
- ↑ Gietmann, G. y Thurston, Herbert (1913). «Basilica». Catholic Encyclopedia (en inglés). Nueva York: Robert Appleton Company. OCLC 1017058.
- ↑ Véase en la entrada «Basilicas» del sitio, disponible en: [2].
- ↑ Basilica of Saint Mary, Minneapolis
- ↑ Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Baltimore
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, Kentucky
- ↑ Basilica of St. Louis, King of France
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception: Mobile, AL
- ↑ St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans
- ↑ Basilica of St. Francis Xavier, Vincennes, Indiana
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul (Philadelphia)
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine
- ↑ St. Mary Cathedral Basilica (Galveston, Texas)
- ↑ The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of St. James, Brooklyn, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Newark, New Jersey
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph – San Jose, California
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis
- ↑ St. Mary Basilica, Natchez
- ↑ Basilica of St. Joseph Proto-Cathedral, Bardstown, Kentucky
- ↑ Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi
- ↑ Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica (Beaumont, Texas)
- ↑ Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (Natchitoches, Louisiana)
- ↑ Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Charleston, West Virginia)
- ↑ Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, New York
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace, Honolulu
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savannah, Georgia
- ↑ Saint Peter in Chains Cathedral (Cincinnati)
- ↑ Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Albany, New York)
- ↑ St. Francis Xavier Cathedral (Alexandria, Louisiana)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Catharine of Siena (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ [Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Altoona, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ St. Mary's Cathedral (Amarillo, Texas)
- ↑ The Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe's Website
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Philip the Apostle (Arecibo, Puerto Rico)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Thomas More (Arlington, Virginia)
- ↑ Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Mary (Austin, Texas)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Francis de Sales (Baker City, Oregon)
- ↑ Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Baltimore
- ↑ St. Joseph Cathedral (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
- ↑ St. Peter's Cathedral, Belleville, Illinois
- ↑ Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Biloxi, Mississippi)
- ↑ St Paul's Home Page
- ↑ Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Bismarck, North Dakota)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Boise, Idaho
- ↑ Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Boston)
- ↑ Diocese of Bridgeport
- ↑ Immaculate Conception Cathedral (Brownsville, Texas)
- ↑ Saint Joseph Cathedral in Buffalo
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Joseph (Burlington, Vermont)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Sweet Name of Jesus (Caguas, Puerto Rico)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Camden, New Jersey)
- ↑ St. Joseph Pro-Cathedral (Camden, New Jersey)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Chalan Kanoa
- ↑ (Charleston, South Carolina)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Patrick (Charlotte, North Carolina)
- ↑ SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands)
- ↑ St. Mary's Cathedral (Cheyenne, Wyoming)
- ↑ Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Cleveland, Ohio)
- ↑ St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral
- ↑ St. Joseph Cathedral (Columbus, Ohio)
- ↑ Corpus Christi Cathedral (Corpus Christi, Texas)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Crookston
- ↑ Cathedral Santuario de Guadalupe (Dallas, Texas)
- ↑ Sacred Heart Cathedral, Davenport, Iowa
- ↑ St. Ambrose Cathedral, Des Moines, Iowa
- ↑ Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Detroit, Michigan)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dodge City, Kansas
- ↑ St. Raphael's Cathedral, Dubuque, Iowa
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary (Duluth, Minnesota)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Patrick (El Paso, Texas)
- ↑ St. Peter Cathedral (Erie, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Benedict, Evansville, Indiana
- ↑ Home Page
- ↑ Fairbanks
- ↑ Cathedral of St. James the Apostle (Fajardo, Puerto Rico)
- ↑ St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, Massachusetts
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Mary (Fargo, North Dakota)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne, Indiana
- ↑ St. Patrick Cathedral (Fort Worth, Texas)
- ↑ St. John's Cathedral :: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno (Fresno, CA)
- ↑ Sacred Heart Cathedral (Gallup, New Mexico)
- ↑ Christ Cathedral (Garden Grove, California)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Holy Angels, Gary, Indiana
- ↑ St. Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral (Gaylord, Michigan)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Grand Island, Nebraska)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Andrew (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
- ↑ St. Ann's Cathedral (Great Falls, Montana)
- ↑ Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral (Green Bay, Wisconsin)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament (Greensburg, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Patrick (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Joseph Hartford, Connecticut
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Helena
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales (Houma, Louisiana)
- ↑ Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Indianapolis
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle (Jackson, Mississippi)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Joseph (Jefferson City, Missouri)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus, Joliet, Illinois
- ↑ Juneau Cathedral – HOME
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Augustine (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle, Kansas City, Kansas
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Kansas City, Missouri)
- ↑ Sacred Heart Cathedral (Knoxville, Tennessee)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Joseph the Workman (La Crosse, Wisconsin)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Lafayette, Indiana
- ↑ St. John the Evangelist Cathedral (Lafayette, Louisiana)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Lake Charles, Louisiana)
- ↑ St. Mary Cathedral (Lansing, Michigan)
- ↑ Cathedral of San Agustin (Laredo, Texas)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- ↑ Guardian Angel Cathedral, Las Vegas
- ↑ Cathedral of Christ the King, Lexington, Kentucky
- ↑ Cathedral of the Risen Christ (Lincoln, Nebraska)
- ↑
- ↑ Welcome to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
- ↑ Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, Kentucky
- ↑ Cathedral of Christ the King (Lubbock, Texas)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Joseph (Manchester, New Hampshire)
- ↑ St. Peter Cathedral (Marquette, Michigan)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Candelaria (Mayagüez, Puerto Rico)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Memphis, Tennessee)
- ↑ St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral (Metuchen, New Jersey)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Mary (Miami)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
- ↑ San Carlos Cathedral | The Royal Presidio Chapel
- ↑ Cathedral of the Incarnation (Nashville, Tennessee)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (New Ulm, Minnesota)
- ↑ St. Patrick's Cathedral (New York)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Patrick – Norwich
- ↑ Cathedral of Christ the Light
- ↑ St. Mary's Cathedral (Ogdensburg, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Oklahoma City)
- ↑ St. Cecilia Cathedral
- ↑ Holy Family Cathedral (Orange, California)
- ↑ St. James Cathedral, Orlando
- ↑ St. Stephen's Cathedral, Owensboro, Kentucky
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Ignatius of Loyola (Palm Beach, Florida)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Paterson, New Jersey)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Pensacola
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Peoria, Illinois
- ↑
- ↑ Ship of Fools: The Mystery Worshipper
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Paul (Pittsburgh)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Ponce, Puerto Rico)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Portland, Maine)
- ↑ St. Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Portland, Oregon)
- ↑ Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Providence
- ↑ Your Page Title
- ↑ Sacred Heart Cathedral (Raleigh, North Carolina)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Rapid City, South Dakota)
- ↑ Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral (Reno, Nevada)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Richmond, Virginia)
- ↑ Sacred Heart Cathedral (Rochester, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Peter, Rockford, Illinois
- ↑ St. Agnes Cathedral (Rockville Centre, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament (Sacramento, California)
- ↑ Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption (Saginaw, Michigan)
- ↑ Sacred Heart Cathedral (San Angelo, Texas)
- ↑ Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral at 265 W. 25th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92405 US – Home
- ↑ Cathedral of San Fernando (San Antonio, Texas)
- ↑ Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Saint John the Baptist of Puerto Rico
- ↑ St. Joseph Cathedral | San Diego Roman Catholic Cathedral
- ↑ The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption (San Francisco, California)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Mary (St. Cloud, Minnesota)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Paul in Saint Paul
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Jude the Apostle (St. Petersburg, Florida)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Eugene (Santa Rosa, California)
- ↑ Sacred Heart Cathedral, Salina, Kansas
- ↑ Cathedral of the Madeleine (Salt Lake City)
- ↑ St. Peter's Cathedral (Scranton, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ St. James Cathedral (Seattle)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport, Louisiana
- ↑ Cathedral of the Epiphany, Sioux City, Iowa
- ↑ St. Joseph Cathedral (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes (Spokane, Washington)
- ↑ St. Agnes Cathedral (Springfield, Missouri)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Springfield, Illinois
- ↑ St. Michael's Cathedral (Springfield, Massachusetts)
- ↑ Holy Name Cathedral (Steubenville, Ohio)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Annunciation Stockton, CA 95203
- ↑ Cathedral of Christ the King (Superior, Wisconsin)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Syracuse, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Holy Family in Pago Pago
- ↑ Rosary Cathedral (Toledo, Ohio)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption (Trenton, New Jersey)
- ↑ St. Augustine Cathedral – Home
- ↑ Holy Family Cathedral (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Tyler, Texas)
- ↑ Epiphany Cathedral (Venice, Florida)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory (Victoria, Texas)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington | Downtown Catholic parish and seat of the Archbishop of Washington, D.C
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Joseph (Wheeling, West Virginia)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Wichita, Kansas
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Peter (Wilmington, Delaware)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Winona, Minnesota)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Paul (Worcester, Massachusetts)
- ↑ St. Paul Cathedral (Yakima, Washington)
- ↑ St. Columba Cathedral (Youngstown, Ohio)
- ↑ St. Peter Chaldean Cathedral
- ↑ Our Lady of Chaldeans Cathedral
- ↑ Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral (Brooklyn, New York)
- ↑ Annunciation Melkite Catholic Cathedral (Roslindale, Massachusetts)
- ↑ Our Lady Of Mt. Lebanon-St. Peter Cathedral (Los Angeles)
- ↑ St. George Cathedral (Canton, Ohio)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Parma, Ohio)
- ↑ Cathedral of St Michael the Archangel (Passaic, New Jersey)
- ↑ St Stephen Byzantine Cathedral | The Cathedral of the Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix
- ↑ St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cathedral (Pittsburgh)
- ↑ St. Joseph Cathedral (Bayonne, New Jersey)
- ↑ Mar Thoma Shleeha Cathedral, Bellwood, Illinois
- ↑ St. Vincent de Paul Malankara Catholic Cathedral (Elmont, New York)
- ↑ St. Nicholas Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Philadelphia)
- ↑ St. Josaphat Cathedral (Parma, Ohio)
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ St. Patrick's Co-Cathedral (Billings, Montana)
- ↑ Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, Brooklyn, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Mary of the Annunciation (Cape Girardeau, Missouri)
- ↑ Co-Cathedral of St Joseph the Worker (Fagotogo, American Samoa)
- ↑ St. Matthew Cathedral, South Bend, Indiana
- ↑ Co-Cathedral of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, Honolulu
- ↑ Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral (Houston, Texas)
- ↑ St. John Gualbert Co-Cathedral (Johnstown, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Joseph (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Joseph (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- ↑ Co-Cathedral of the Sweet Name of Jesus (Humacao, Puerto Rico)
- ↑ Co-Cathedral of Saint Thomas More (Tallahassee, Florida)
- ↑ St. Joseph Co-Cathedral (Thibodaux, Louisiana)
- ↑ St. Raymond's Cathedral (St. Louis, Missouri)
- ↑ The Holy Family Cathedral's Website > Home
- ↑ Archdiocese of Anchorage
- ↑ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Burlington, Vermont)
- ↑ Vibiana, Los Angeles
- ↑ Saint Raphael's Cathedral (Madison, Wisconsin)
- ↑ Pro-Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Newark
- ↑ St. Joseph Old Cathedral (Oklahoma City)
- ↑ St. Peter's Church (Pittsburgh)
- ↑ Old Saint Mary's Cathedral (San Francisco, California)
- ↑ Saint Patrick Proto-Cathedral Parish – Giáo Xứ Việt Nam
- ↑ Holy Name of Mary Pro-Cathedral (Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan)
- ↑ Former Armenian Cathedral of St. Ann, Brooklyn
- ↑ Cathedral of All Saints (Albany, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral Church of St. John (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
- ↑ Cathedral of All Souls (Asheville, North Carolina)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta
- ↑ Cathedral of the Incarnation, Baltimore
- ↑ Cathedral Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Cathedral Church of the Advent – Birmingham, Alabama
- ↑ St. Michael's Cathedral, Boise, Idaho
- ↑ Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston
- ↑ St. Paul's Cathedral (Burlington, Vermont)
- ↑ Cathedral Church of All Saints (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands)
- ↑ St. James Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati
- ↑ Trinity Cathedral (Cleveland, Ohio)
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Columbia, South Carolina)
- ↑ Cathedral Church of Saint Matthew (Dallas, Texas)
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Davenport, Iowa
- ↑ Saint John's Cathedral > Home
- ↑ Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Des Moines, Iowa
- ↑ Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Detroit)
- ↑ Trinity Cathedral (Easton, Maryland)
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral (Eau Claire, Wisconsin)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Paul (Erie, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Philadelphia Cathedral
- ↑ St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, (Fond du Lac, Wisconsin)
- ↑ Gethsemane Episcopal Cathedral (Fargo, North Dakota)
- ↑ Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour (Faribault, Minnesota)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City
- ↑ St. Stephen's Episcopal Cathedral (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral
- ↑ St. Mark's Pro-Cathedral (Hastings, Nebraska)
- ↑ St. Peter's Cathedral (Helena, Montana)
- ↑ Cathedral Church of Saint Andrew, Honolulu
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, Texas)
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis
- ↑ St. Andrew's Cathedral (Jackson, Mississippi)
- ↑ St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville
- ↑ Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral (Kansas City, Missouri)
- ↑ St. John's Cathedral (Knoxville, Tennessee)
- ↑ St. Matthew's Cathedral (Laramie, Wyoming)
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington, Kentucky
- ↑ St. John's Episcopal Cathedral Los Angeles|Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville, Kentucky
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock, Arkansas
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York
- ↑ St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral (Memphis, Tennessee)
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Miami
- ↑ Cathedral Church of All Saints (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
- ↑ St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Minneapolis
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral | Mobile, Alabama 36602
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral (Nashville, Tennessee)
- ↑ Trinity and St Philip's Cathedral, Newark
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
- ↑ St. Paul's Cathedral (Oklahoma City)
- ↑ Trinity Cathedral (Omaha, Nebraska)
- ↑ Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration (Orkney Springs, Virginia)
- ↑ Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando
- ↑ St. Paul's Cathedral, Peoria, Illinois
- ↑ Trinity Cathedral – Home
- ↑ Trinity Cathedral – Trinity Cathedral
- ↑ Trinity Cathedral (Pittsburgh)
- ↑ St. Luke's Cathedral (Portland, Maine)
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland, Oregon)
- ↑ St. John's Cathedral (Providence, Rhode Island)
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral – Sacramento, California
- ↑ Christ Cathedral, Salina, Kansas
- ↑ St. Mark's Cathedral, Salt Lake City
- ↑ Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg
- ↑ St. Pauls Cathedral (San Diego)
- ↑ Grace Cathedral – The Cathedral of the Episcopal Diocese of California
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, San Jose, California
- ↑ Catedral San Juan Bautista (San Juan de Puerto Rico)
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral (St. Louis, Missouri)
- ↑ St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle
- ↑ St. Mark's Cathedral (Shreveport, Louisiana)
- ↑ Calvary Cathedral (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
- ↑ Saint Paul's Episcopal Cathedral (Syracuse, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. James, South Bend, Indiana
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Spokane, Washington)
- ↑ Christ Church Cathedral (Springfield, Massachusetts)
- ↑ St. Paul's Cathedral, Springfield, Illinois
- ↑ Grace Episcopal Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas
- ↑ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Trenton, New Jersey)
- ↑ Washington National Cathedral
- ↑ St. Stephen's Episcopal Pro-Cathedral (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ St. Vincent's Cathedral (Bedford, Texas)
- ↑ Home – Christ The King Cathedral
- ↑ [4]
- ↑ Holy Trinity Cathedral (Berlin, Maryland)
- ↑ St. James' Cathedral
- ↑ Cathedral Church of the Intercessor (Malverne, New York)
- ↑ Cathedral Church of the Resurrection, Miramar, Florida
- ↑ Cathedral Church of the King, Olathe, Kansas
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Dismas, Orlando
- ↑ Cathedral Church of the Epiphany (Columbia, South Carolina)
- ↑ St. Mary's Anglican Catholic Church
- ↑ [5]
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Edward the Confessor, Indianapolis
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul (Charleston, South Carolina)
- ↑ The Mission Cathedral (El Paso, Texas)
- ↑ Pro-Cathedral Church of the Incarnation (Quakertown, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ St. Matthias Anglican Cathedral (Katy, Texas)
- ↑ St. Alban's Cathedral (Oviedo, Florida)
- ↑ Welcome!
- ↑ ACA Diocese of the West
- ↑ St. John's Cathedral, Quincy, Illinois
- ↑ Cathedral of Christ the King (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
- ↑ St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Allison Park, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ OCA – Parishes – St. Innocent Cathedral
- ↑ St Innocent Russian Orthodox Cathedral
- ↑ Holy Trinity Cathedral (Boston, Massachusetts)
- ↑ Saint George Albanian Orthodox Cathedral, Boston
- ↑ Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, Brooklyn, New York)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ St. George Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ St. Mary's Romanian Orthodox Cathedral (Cleveland, Ohio)
- ↑ St. Seraphim of Sarov Cathedral (Dallas, Texas)
- ↑ St. Paul Cathedral (Dearborn Heights, Michigan)
- ↑ Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of New England
- ↑ St. Stephen Orthodox Cathedral (Philadelphia)
- ↑ OCA – Parishes – Holy Resurrection Cathedral
- ↑ Holy Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Cathedral (Los Angeles)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection, New York
- ↑ Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Miami
- ↑ St. Mary's Cathedral, Minneapolis
- ↑ St. George Orthodox Cathedral (Rossford, Ohio)
- ↑ St. Spiridon Cathedral (Seattle)
- ↑ OCA – Parishes – St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral
- ↑ St. George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral (Southfield, Michigan)
- ↑ OCA – Parishes – Holy Ascension of Our Lord Cathedral
- ↑ Saint Nicholas Cathedral – Home
- ↑ Holy Resurrection Cathedral (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Annunciation, Atlanta
- ↑ Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation (Baltimore, Maryland)
- ↑ Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of New England
- ↑ Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Brooklyn, New York)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral (Camp Hill, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Saints Constantine and Helen Cathedral (Cleveland Heights, Ohio)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral (Charlotte, North Carolina)
- ↑ Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral (Columbus, Ohio)
- ↑ Assumption of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Denver |
- ↑ Annunciation Cathedral, Detroit
- ↑ St George Cathedral (Philadelphia)
- ↑ St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral
- ↑ Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral (Houston, Texas)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Paul (Hempstead, New York)
- ↑ Sts. Constantine & Helen Cathedral, Honolulu
- ↑ Saint Sophia Cathedral – Los Angeles, California
- ↑ St. George Cathedral (Manchester, New Hampshire)
- ↑ Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, New York
- ↑ SS. Constantine & Helen Cathedral, Merrillville, Indiana
- ↑ St. Sophia Cathedral, Miami
- ↑ Annunciation Cathedral (Norfolk, Virginia)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, New Orleans
- ↑ St. Nicholas Cathedral (Pittsburgh)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral (Portland, Oregon)
- ↑ St. Demetrios Cathedral (Astoria, New York)
- ↑ (Springfield, Massachusetts)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral
- ↑ Sts. Constantine & Helen Cathedral (Richmond, Virginia)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Cathedral (Salt Lake City, Utah)
- ↑ Annunciation Cathedral (San Francisco, California)
- ↑ St. Nicholas Cathedral (Tarpon Springs, Florida)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. John The Theologian (Tenafly, New Jersey)
- ↑ Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Washington DC
- ↑ St. Spyridon Cathedral (Worcester, Massachusetts)
- ↑ SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Crown Point, Indiana
- ↑ St. John Orthodox Cathedral – Home
- ↑ Kidist Marian Cathedral, Lithonia, Georgia
- ↑ St Mark's Cathedral (Paramus, New Jersey)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Cathedral, Brooklyn
- ↑ St. Demetrius Cathedral (Carteret, New Jersey)
- ↑ St. Volodomyr Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ SS. Boris and Gleb Cathedral (Cleveland, Ohio)
- ↑ St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral (Philadelphia)
- ↑ Pro-Cathedral of St. Michael, Hammond, Indiana
- ↑ St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral (Parma, Ohio)
- ↑ St. Andrew Cathedral, Silver Spring, Maryland
- ↑ St. Mary Protectress Cathedral (Southfield, Michigan)
- ↑ Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral, Des Plaines, Illinois
- ↑ Dormition Cathedral (Ferndale, Michigan)
- ↑ St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Howell
- ↑ Holy Transfiguration Cathedral (Los Angeles)
- ↑ Synodal Cathedral of the Theotokos of the Sign, New York
- ↑ St. John the Baptist Cathedral (Mayfield, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ St. Sergius Russian Orthodox Cathedral (Parma, Ohio)
- ↑ St. Michael's Cathedral (Paterson, New Jersey)
- ↑ Old Holy Virgin Cathedral (San Francisco, California)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Holy Assumption (Trenton, New Jersey)
- ↑ St. Nicholas Cathedral (Seattle, Washington)
- ↑ – Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St.John the Baptist, Washington, D.C., USA
- ↑ Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
- ↑ Holy Resurrection Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ St. Lazarus Cathedral 'Ravanica', Detroit
- ↑ Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, New York
- ↑ St. Elijah Cathedral, Merrillville, Indiana
- ↑ St. Sava Cathedral (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
- ↑ St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral (Parma, Ohio)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Cathedral (Pittsburgh)
- ↑ St. George's Cathedral, Wichita, Kansas
- ↑ SMAA
- ↑ Saint Mark of Ephesus Cathedral, Boston
- ↑ Holy Nativity of the Theotokos Orthodox Cathedral (Portland, Oregon)
- ↑ Saint Nectarios American Orthodox Cathedral (Seattle, Washington)
- ↑ St. George Cathedral (Worcester, Massachusetts)
- ↑ Cathedral of St. Anthony (Detroit, Michigan)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint John and Saint Finbar (Charleston, South Carolina)
- ↑ St. George Orthodox Cathedral (Charleston, West Virginia)
- ↑ St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo
- ↑ Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral (Lancaster, New York)
- ↑ St. Stanislaus Cathedral (Scranton, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ Saints Kiril & Metodij Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese Cathedral, New York
- ↑ Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Cross, New York
- ↑ St. Peter's Cathedral, Miami
- ↑ Cathedral Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, New York
- ↑ St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral (Brooklyn, New York)
- ↑ St. Cyril's of Turau Cathedral, Brooklyn
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Markella (Astoria, New York)
- ↑ St. Theodosius Russian Orthodox Cathedral (Cleveland, Ohio)
- ↑ Cathedral of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (Reynoldsburg, Ohio)
- ↑ Annunciation Romanian Orthodox Cathedral (Rocky River, Ohio)
- ↑ Bryn Athyn Cathedral
- ↑ Christ the Saviour Cathedral (Johnstown, Pennsylvania)
- ↑ St. Mary's Malankara Orthodox Cathedral (Philadelphia)
- ↑ St. Andrew's Cathedral, Philadelphia
- ↑ St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral, New York
- ↑ St. Nicholas Cathedral (San Francisco, California)
- ↑ St. George Cathedral of Oakland (Pittsburgh)
- ↑ Western Diocese of the Armenian Church | St. Leon Armenian Cathedral
- ↑ Former Armenian Cathedral of St. Ann, New York City
- ↑ St. Vartan Cathedral, New York
- ↑ Saint Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Cathedral, New York
- ↑ Holy Cross Cathedral, Montebello
- ↑ Syriac Orthodox Cathedral
- ↑ St. Nicholas Cathedral, Los Angeles
- ↑ St Mary's Byzantine Catholic Proto-Cathedral
- ↑ Mar Zaia Cathedral (Modesto, California)
- ↑ Cathedral of Saint Francis de Sales (Oakland, California)
- ↑ Ascension Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Oakland
- ↑ St Francis Universal Catholic Church (San Diego)
- ↑ Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral | First Orthodox community in San Francisco
- ↑ Holy Virgin Cathedral – Joy of all Who Sorrow – San Francisco, CA – Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
- ↑ Saint Gregorios Cathedral, Bellwood, Illinois
- ↑ Annunciation Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ Ss. Constantine and Helen Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago
- ↑ Mar Gewargis Assyrian Cathedral, Chicago
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