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 //Atajos Twinkle del usuario Jsimlo de la Wikipedia en inglés. Modificado por Robinsonsmay (Macy)
 //para que sea personalizable
 var shortcutsVersion      = "1.1.0";
 var shortcutsReleaseDate  = "2007-02-03";
  * Interfaz
  * Inicia la sección de enlaces
 function shortcutsStartSection (name)
   shortcutsLinks[shortcutsLinks.length] = { 'name': name, 'links': new Array () };
  * Adds new link into the current section of links. Function for external use.
 function shortcutsAddLink (name, article)
   var links = shortcutsLinks[shortcutsLinks.length - 1]['links'];
   links[links.length] = { 'name': name, 'article': article };
  * Implementación
  * Creador de enlaces
 function shortcutsMakeLink (name, url)
   var ntxt = document.createTextNode (name);
   var na   = document.createElement ('a');
   var nli  = document.createElement ('li');
   na.setAttribute ('href', '/wiki/' + url); 
   nli.setAttribute ('class', 'n-shortcut');
   na.appendChild (ntxt);
   nli.appendChild (na);
   return nli;
  * Portlet maker.
  * Creates and returns a portlet populated by list of links.
 function shortcutsMakePortlet (name, links)
   var nportlet = document.createElement ('div');
   var nh5 = document.createElement ('h5');
   var ntit = document.createTextNode (name);
   var nbody = document.createElement ('div');
   var nul = document.createElement ('ul');
   nportlet.setAttribute ('id', 'p-'+name);
   nportlet.setAttribute ('class', 'portlet');
   nbody.setAttribute ('class', 'pBody');
   nul.setAttribute ('id', 'p-'+name);
   for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
     nul.appendChild (
       shortcutsMakeLink (links[i]['name'], links[i]['article'])
   nh5.appendChild (ntit);
   nportlet.appendChild (nh5);
   nbody.appendChild (nul);
   nportlet.appendChild (nbody);
   return nportlet;
  * Main function.
  * Enumerates all non-empty sections, and adds new portlets beneath the old ones.
 function shortcutsMain ()
   var sidecol = document.getElementById ('column-one');
   for (var i = 0; i < shortcutsLinks.length; i++)
     if (shortcutsLinks[i]['links'].length > 0)
       sidecol.appendChild (
         shortcutsMakePortlet (shortcutsLinks[i]['name'], shortcutsLinks[i]['links'])
  * Initializes the onload events.
 function shortcutsInitialize ()
   shortcutsInit ();
   shortcutsCust ();
   shortcutsMain ();

 function shortcutsInit ()
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Monobook.js', 'Special:Mypage/monobook.js' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Monobook.css', 'Special:Mypage/monobook.css' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Twinkle', 'WP:TW' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Café', 'WP:C' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Tablón de bibliotecarios', 'WP:TAB' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Votaciones', 'WP:VO' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Zona de pruebas', 'WP:ZP' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Vandalismo en curso', 'WP:VEC' );
  shortcutsAddLink ( 'Consultas', 'WP:CON' );
  * Inicialización
 var shortcutsLinks = new Array ();
 shortcutsStartSection ('atajos twinkle');
 addOnloadHook (shortcutsInitialize);

 function shortcutsCust ()