

Cristina Escobar Urmeneta is an Spanish professor of the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Cristina Escobar Urmeneta


Cristina Escobar Urmeneta is a professor of the Department of Language Education in the Faculty of Education of the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). She coordinates the research group “Language and Education” (LED), presently integrated in LLETRA. Cristina carries out research in the fields of Classroom Interaction, Teacher Education, Content and Language Integrated Learning and Educational Technology. Her current project is 'Pathway. Evaluation of the internationalization Project of the EMI Primary Teacher Education Bachelor’s Degree in the UAB: process and product.'

Cristina is an assessor in JCR scientific journals and R+D+i projects. She has been IP in four competitive projects on CLIL and teacher education, coordinated two international conferences TRICLIL-2009 and TRICLIL-2012, informed in diverse competitive national and European projects, and collaborated widely with the educational administrations in the development of educational policies on foreign and national languages.

Early years and education


Cristina Escobar Urmeneta was born Zaragoza 11-07-1956. In completing her secondary education, she decided to become a primary teacher and graduated as such in the Universidad de Zaragoza in 1976. In 1977 she gained a position as a school teacher in Alcalá la Real (Jaen), where she stayed until 1980 when she was transferred to Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona). While she worked as a primary teacher, she enrolled at the Universidad de Granada to continue her education, and graduated in English Studies in 1981. In 2000 she earned her doctorate from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with a thesis on Portfolio Assessment.



Cristina Escobar Urmeneta´s research has focused on the teaching and learning of foreign languages in Primary, Secondary Education and university. She has researched on the use of portfolios as tool for the evaluation of the oral competences, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education; Classroom Interactional Competence ; In-service teacher education and Co-teaching.

As a professional educator, Cristina has followed different paths. On the one hand, she worked as a primary teacher for 22 years (1977-99) in Alcalá la Real (Jaen) and Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona); on the other hand, she taught English as a foreign language in state-funded secondary schools in Cornellà de Llobregat and Molins de Rei (Barcelona). Since 1992 to 2003 she combined her work as a secondary teacher with a position as an associated professor in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in the English Studies Department and in the Department of Language Education . Since 2003 she is a full time professor at the UAB where she has been responsible, among other duties, for the coordination of the UAB´s English-Medium Bachelor´s Degree in Primary Education.

She has worked in in-service teacher education since 1983 for various education administrations, and state-funded and private organizations. She also designed materials for the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language in the design of teaching materials for the Instituto Cervantes. As a consultant Cristina has worked since 2001 in the design of foreign language curricula, where she had the opportunity to contribute to the design of the LOE curriculum of languages for primary education, ESO and Bachillerato. More recently, she contributed to the development of the competence-based foreign language curriculum presently in force in Catalonia. (;

In 2014 Cristina was appointed as a coordinator of the inter-university MIF commission for foreign language pre-service teacher education who produce a list of recommendations for the improvement of pre-service teacher education policies and practices.

Cristina Escobar Urmeneta has also coordinated a few conferences, like the Committees of the I, II, III and IV Trobada de Semi-inmersió a Catalunya conference, and other ones like TRICLIL 2012 international conference.

Cristina is the leader of a research group called Lengua y Educación (LED : . She is also chief editor of the following scientific journal: and coordinates the Master's Degree in Teacher Development for Foreign Language Education and Content and Language Integrated Learning (MEd CLIL & FLE), in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) .

She has led institutional partnerships with other universities:

in Spain

UAM: Dra. A. Llinares; Dra. R. Whittaker;

UCM: Dra. E. Dafouz

UPF: Dra. C. Pérez-Vidal. Dr. Daniel Cassany

UIC: Dra. N. Evnitskaya

And outside Spain

Universidad de Newcastle: Dr Walsh;

U. de Vienna: Dra. Dalton Puffer;

U. Birkbeck University of London: Dr. T. Morton

Research lines


Cristina Escobar Urmeneta belongs to some research groups: -Principal investigator of the 'Language and Education' (LED) Research group. -Coordinator of the CLIL-SI Collaborative Team. -Member of LLETRA (Language and Literature Education)



[1]​Escobar Urmeneta, C. y Arnau, L. (Eds). (2018). Los retos de la internacionalización de los Grados Universitarios en el Contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Madrid. Ed. Síntesis. ISBN: 9788491710998.

[2]​Escobar Urmeneta, C. (2013). Learning to Become a CLIL Teacher: Teaching, Reflection and Professional Development. In: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,16:3, 334-353. DOI:

[3]​Escobar Urmeneta, C. & Evnitskaya, N. (2014). ‘Do you know Actimel?’ The Adaptive Nature of Dialogic Teacher-led Discussions in the CLIL Science classroom: a Case Study. In: Language Learning Journal: 42:2, 165-180. [Monograph on CLIL, edited by Christiane Dalton Puffer & Tarja Nikula]. DOI:10.1080/09571736.2014.889507.

[4]​Cros, A. y Escobar Urmeneta, C. (2018). Manual de usos lingüísticos para grados universitarios con docencia en ingles. En: C. Escobar Urmeneta y L. Arnau (Eds). Los retos de la internacionalización de los Grados Universitarios en el Contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Madrid. Ed. Síntesis: pp. 209-2017.

[5]​Escobar Urmeneta, C. and Evnitskaya, N. (2013). Affording Students Opportunities for the Integrated Learning of Content and Language. A Contrastive Study on Classroom Interactional Strategies Deployed by Two CLIL Teachers. In J. Arnau (ed.), Reviving Catalan at School: Challenges and Instructional Approaches. Bristol: Multilingual Matters & Institut d’Estudis Catalans:158-182. ISBN (hbk):9781783090259; ISBN (pbk):9781783090242; 2018

[6]​Arnau, L.,   Borràs-Comes, J.  y Escobar Urmeneta, C.(2018).  Rendimiento académico de estudiantes de estudios universitarios con docencia en inglés (DUI): El caso del Grado en Educación Primaria de la UAB. En: C. Escobar Urmeneta y L. Arnau (Eds). Los retos de la internacionalización de los Grados Universitarios en el Contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES).  Madrid. Ed. Síntesis: pp. 135-146.

[7]​Borràs-Comes, J.  y Escobar Urmeneta, C., (2018). El desarrollo de la competencia discursiva en lengua extranjera en un entorno ICLES: La efectividad de la estrategia GUIDEWAY.En: C. Escobar Urmeneta y L. Arnau (Eds).Los retos de la internacionalización de los Grados Universitarios en el Contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES).  Madrid. Ed. Síntesis: pp. 115-133.

[8]​Cros, A. y Escobar Urmeneta, C.  (2018). Manual de usos lingüísticos para grados universitarios con docencia en ingles. En: C. Escobar Urmeneta y L. Arnau (Eds).   Los retos de la internacionalización de los Grados Universitarios en el Contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Madrid. Ed. Síntesis: pp. 209-2017.






Press publications:

Doctoral Thesis link:


  1. Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina (2018). Los retos de la internacionalización de los Grados Universitarios en el Contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Madrid: Ed. Síntesis. ISBN 9788491710998. 
  2. Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina (2013). «Learning to become a CLIL teacher». International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. [Monograph on CLIL, edited by Christiane Dalton Puffer & Tarja Nikula]: 165-180. doi:DOI:10.1080/09571736.2014.889507 |doi= incorrecto (ayuda). 
  3. Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina (2014). «‘Do you know Actimel?’ The Adaptive Nature of Dialogic Teacher-led Discussions in the CLIL Science classroom: a Case Study». Language Learning Journal: 165-180. doi:DOI:10.1080/09571736.2014.889507 |doi= incorrecto (ayuda) – via [Monograph on CLIL, edited by Christiane Dalton Puffer & Tarja Nikula]. 
  4. Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina; Cros, A (2018). Manual de usos lingüísticos para grados universitarios con docencia en ingles. Madrid: Ed. Síntesis. 
  5. Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina (2013). Affording Students Opportunities for the Integrated Learning of Content and Language. A Contrastive Study on Classroom Interactional Strategies Deployed by Two CLIL Teachers. Multilingual Matters & Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Bristol. pp. 158-182. ISBN 9781783090259. 
  6. Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina; Borràs-Comes, J.; Arnau, L. (2018). Rendimiento académico de estudiantes de estudios universitarios con docencia en inglés (DUI): El caso del Grado en Educación Primaria de la UAB. Madrid: Ed. Síntesis. pp. 135-146. 
  7. Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina; Borràs-Comes, J (2018). El desarrollo de la competencia discursiva en lengua extranjera en un entorno ICLES: La efectividad de la estrategia GUIDEWAY. Madrid: Ed. Síntesis. pp. 115-133. 
  8. Cros, A.; Escobar Urmeneta, Cristina (2018). Manual de usos Lingüísticos para grados universitarios con docencia en inglés. Madrid: Ed. Síntesis. p. 209.