Usuario : Rowanwindwhistler/SolicitarBibliografía
Economism: A Heresy Exploited
The Lonely Emigre: Petr Tkachev and the Russian Colony in Switzerland
Tkachev and the Marxists
A Forerunner of Lenin: P. N. Tkachev
The Idea of the Revolutionary State: Tkachev, Trotsky, and Lenin
The Russian Past and the Socialist Future in the Thought of Peter Lavrov
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat from Plekhanov to Lenin
Marxism and Aesthetics: A Critique of the Contribution of George Plekhanov
Plekhanov's Russia: The Impact of the West Upon an "Oriental" Society
The Empiriomonist Critique of Dialectical Materialism: Bogdanov, Plekhanov, Lenin
Plekhanov, Trotsky, and the Development of Soviet Historiography
Plekhanov on Russian History: A Marxist Approach to Historical Pluralism
Plekhanov on the Role of the Individual in History
Plekhanov on Russian Capitalism and the Peasant Commune, 1883-1885
Plekhanov and Soviet Literary Criticism
Plekhanov and the Origins of Russian Marxism
Geographical Determinism in Fin-de-siecle Marxism: Georgii Plekhanov and the Environmental Basis of Russian History
Plekhanov, Lenin and Working-Class Consciousness
The Father of Russian Marxism
P. L. Lavrov's Concept of the Party
The First Decade of Russian Marxism
Zemlya vs. Volya. From Narodnichestvo to Marxism
The Kazan Square Demonstration and the Conflict between Russian Workers and Intelligenty
The Morality of Revolution in Pyotr Lavrovich Lavrov
Lenin, Kautsky and working-class consciousness
The Stockholm Conference of 1917
Kadet Policy in 1917 and the Constituent Assembly Hecho
The divisions in the Bolshevik party in march 1917
Pourquoi Février? Pourquoi Octobre?
Admiral Kolchak's Mission to the United States, 10 September-9 November 1917 Hecho
The St Petersburg/Petrograd Mezhraionka, 1913—1917: The Rise and Fall of a Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party Unity Faction
Perfidious Albion? Britain and the struggle for mastery of Yugoslavia 1941–44: A reexamination in the light of ‘new’ evidence
Bleiburg: The Creation of a National Martyrology
On the Problem of "Indecisiveness" Among the Duma Leaders During the February Revolution : the Imperial Decree of Prorogation and Decision To Convene the Private Meeting of February 27, 1917
Tuan Chʻi-jui, 1912-1918 : a case study of the military influence on the Chinese political development
league of nations "official journal" december 1934, pp. 1713-1840
The Deposition of King Constantine of Greece, June 1917: An Episode in Anglo-French Diplomacy
The Terrorist and the master spy: The political ‘partnership’ of Boris Savinkov and Sidney Reilly, 1918–25
[Sally Boniece, Maria Spiridonova, 1884-1918: Feminine Martyrdom and Revolutionary Mythmaking. PhD dissertation. Indiana University, 1995.] Hecho
Mass Terror and the Court: The Military. Collegium of the USSR
How a Founding Document Was Found, or One Hundred Years of Lenin's What is to Be Done?
The Malinovskii affair: ‘A very fishy business’
Chang Hsüeh-liang and the Japanese
The Assassination of Chang Tso-lin
Antonescu's Eagles against Stalin's Falcons: The Romanian Air Force, 1920-1941
The Dysfunctional Coalition: The Axis Powers and the Eastern Front in World War II
The sacralised politics of the Romanian Iron Guard
The fall of the Umayyads of Cordova: The end of the Arab caliphate
Le Role des Hommes de Religion dans l'Histoire de l'Espagne musulmane: jusqu'à la fin du Califat
Fischer, Bernd J. "Resistance in Albania during the Second World War: Partisans, Nationalists and the S.O.E.", East European Quarterly 25, no.1 (1991):21-43
Manelli, Gani. "Partisan Politics in World War II Albania: the Struggle for Power, 1939-1944." East European Quarterly 40, no. 3 (2006): 333-348
The Cheka and a Crisis of Communist Consience
Martos, B. 'First Universal of the Ukrainian Central Rada: A Personal Memoir', Ukrainian Quarterly Vol. 24 (1968), pp. 22-37 Hecho
Lew Shankowsky, “Disintegration of the Imperial Russian Army in 1917,” The Ukrainian Quarterly, XIII, 4 (December 1957), 305–28 Hecho
The Bolsheviks' acceptance of Baltic independence, 1919
The 1921 Russian famine: Centre and periphery responses
The Development of the Hungarian Aircraft Industry, 1938-1944
Decision-Making Amid Public Violence; The Vienna Riots, July 15, 1927 Hecho
A Case Study in Fascism: The Styrian Heimatschutz and Austrian National Socialism
The Failure of the Austrian and Yugoslav Police to Repress the Croatian Ustaša in Austria, 1929–1934
Italy, the Roman Protocols Bloc, and the Anschluβ Question 1936–1938
On the Eve of the February 1934 Uprising of the Austrian Socialist Workers
Austria between the Wars. An Essay
Catholic and Marxist Paradigms: Ignaz Seipel and Otto Bauer in the First Austrian Republic Hecho
Early Heimwehr Aims and Activities
The Mediterranean triangle : Britain, France, Italy and the origins of the Second World War, 1935-40
The invasion of Austria in March 1938 : Blitzkrieg or Pfusch? / Alexander N. Lassner
The relief of Austria, 1919-1922
Austria in the Dual Monarchy: Her Trade Within and Without the Customs Union
"La crise de Sian", décembre 1936 / Lucien Bianco
"A study of Chang Hsüeh-Liang's role in modern Chinese history"
Claude Larquié, « Les soulèvements populaires en Espagne au milieu du XVIIe siècle. (1978) 92 Revue d'histoire diplomatique
Paul Janssens, "L'Échec des tentatives de soulèvement aux Pays-Bas sous Philippe IV (1621–1665)", Revue d'histoire diplomatique 92 (1978)