Usuario:Rafael Enrique Moreno Vega/Taller

Patricia Elizabeth Martínez

Patricia Elizabeth Martínez


Patricia Elizabeth Martinez (Argentina, 1973 – Argentina, October 22nd, 2022) [1]​ was a composer, performer, pianist, electronic and multidisciplinary artist, and educator. [2]

Life and career


She dedicated her life and musical career to experimental music and to the mixing of music, dance, acting, and a philosophy based on reaching the audience through the emotional expression of her works. Her notoriety as a composer and performer extends not only all over America in countries like Argentina, Perú, and the United States to mention a few, but also to Europe in countries like Denmark and Germany. [3]



As an educator, from 1991 to 2006, she was a professor at the Sounding Arts Center in Argentina, which was (a studio dedicated to contemporary music, electroacoustics, and experimental music). In 2004, she directed the Intensive Seminar of improvisation and experimental music, at the School of Music of the University of Costa Rica, the National Music Conservatory of Perú, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in the United States.

From 2007 to 2009, she was a Teaching Fellow of Composition and Music Theory, at Stanford University in the United States. In 2014, Martinez directed the Composition seminar “Experimental Multidisciplinary Laboratory” at the National University of Quilmes. Two years later, in 2016, Martínez became a Faculty Professor of Music Composition with mixed media IV at the Superior Conservatory of Music of Buenos Aires. In 2017, Martinez became a Faculty at the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM), functioning as an external tutor for the Music Composition Doctorate, and in the same year, Martinez Became a Professor of Composition (Acoustic and Electroacoustic) at the University of Quilmes. [4]



Patricia Martinez entered the Superior Conservatory of Music Manuel de Falla, becoming a guitar and piano student as well as a composition one in 1987 at age fourteen, finishing her studies in this institution in 1996. During that period, from 1990 to 1992, Martinez studied Electroacoustic composition at the National Conservatory of Music of Argentina, and from 1992 to 1994, she studied a Bachelor in Electroacoustic Composition at the National University of Quilmes in Argentina. Looking to expand her knowledge, from 1996 to 1997, Martinez completed the Annual Course at the Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique of France. After a long stop in regard to her academic preparation, Martinez completed a DMA and a Master’s degree in composition at Stanford University in the United States under the mentorship of Brian Ferneyhough from 2006 to 2011. [4]

As a composer, but also performer, improviser and interdisciplinary artist, her main areas of work have been interdisciplinary projects, contemporary electroacoustic classical music, new opera and contemporary music theater.[5]

Martinez’s catalog of selected works lists 113 works written and in many cases premiered between 1990 and 2022. These include works for chamber orchestra and electronics, ensemble and electronics, chamber works, works for symphonic orchestra and extended symphonic orchestra, choral works, solo instrument pieces, computer music, concrete music, electroacoustic works and musical works featuring choreography, video-art, poetry, lights, actors and puppetry. Another big part of her production consists of music for theater.[6]

Martínez developed an interest in the concept of “Engaged music” exploring the relationship between composer and listener as well as the ability that music has to communicate and convey messages. She reflected on to what extent can music connect to things that are external to itself and how is this form of art influenced by events that occur outside of it (Martinez, Engaged music). She conceived her art as being a multidimensional means of expression and hence her exploration of other art forms and their fusion with music.[7]

Some topics that Martínez was interested in and that were treated in some of her works were the impossible and the human relationship to death. [8]



Despite the experimental and unorthodox nature of her music, Patricia Martinez enjoyed a good reception of her work for the most part. The mysteriousness and oddness of her proposals were regarded as thought-provoking and moving. Several articles pointed out her ability to draw images and landscapes through the use of sounds.[9][10]​Some quotes from different journalists regarding here work state the following:

“It’s fascinating the way in which Martinez’s piece sets itself off from nothing and then continues to build itself from that breath”     (Gianera, Pablo, La nación, May 2015)[9]

“Los Tiempos del Alma” (2008), an arresting duet for flute and cello, each oscillating between sound effects and conventional themes, by Patricia Martínez, from Argentina” [11]​                                                (Allan Kozinn, The new York Times)

“In a few marvelous instances, the videos and the music were so closely and effectively connected as to reinforce and enhance each other: for the audience, eye and ear received simultaneously the same pronouncements in visual and aural languages. Two splendid examples of this success were [...] and Patricia Martinez’ short, intense and deeply poignant Al trasluz del recuerdo, “a reflection on modalized time” and an unsettling examination of loss and suffering.”[12]

(Ballard, Jean, “2017 NYC Electroacoustic Music Festival”, August 2017).


Year Cathegory and Tittle of the works. Organizer Result.
2021 Composition International call “Come as you are: Vulnerability in the Concert Space” call for proposals, No Divide KC, Mid America Freedom Band and KC VITAs Chamber Choir U.S.A. Won.
Composition Musicworks 2019 Electronic Music Composition Contest. CA, U.S.A. 2nd place.
2020 Composition Recommendation Awards at the International Eisenacher Bach Composition Prize. Denmark Won.
2019 Composition American prize for professional composers in the Opera Composition. U.S.A. 2nd place.
Composition Composition prize  “Casa de las Américas”. Habana, Cuba. Won.
Micro-Opera. “12 minutes for Moniuszko”. International Stanisław Moniuszko Composers Competition. Won.
Composition International Composition Competition NEW NOTE 2019, “44th Samobor Music Festival”. Croatia. 2nd place.
Ensemble Adapter Premio-Residencia Ibermúsica Won.
2018 Interdisciplinary composition Juan Carlos Paz Prize to the Interdisciplinary Music given by the National Founds for the Arts. Argentina Won.
Composition. “La niña helada”. Creation incentive. General Society of Authors and Composers. Won.
Composition Chamber Symphonic Music. National prize of Culture. Argentina. Mention.
Composition International Prize “Fight for the Right”. Pittsburgh Festival Opera. U.S.A. Finalist.
2016 Gold Medal Award of Excellence. Work “Breve Sueño”. Global Music Awards. U.S.A. Won.
2015 Composition International Composition Competition Maurice Ravel. Belgramo, Italy. Work for Orchestras. Won 1st place in Argentina.
Composition. “Más allá”. Iber Danza and Music Ensemble. Nominated
2014 Electroacoustic Composition Electroacoustic International Competition Finalist.
2013 Creation and Production of a group composition. IBERESCENA-IBERMSICAS Won.
Composition Nonsense Ensemble. Editorial Melos. 2nd place.
Composition American Prize, U.S.A. Finalist.
Best Electroacoustic work. “Francisco Köpfl” prize given by the National Contest of Composition SADAIC 2013. Won.
2009 Composition Latin American Ceibo Composers summit. Won.
2007 Composition Argentinian Music Tribune for the International Composers Tribune of UNESCO. 2nd place.
2006 New Languages of the Argentinian Music for the edition of the Electroacoustic works. Work “Ochenta Mundos”. BAU Records. Won.
Electroacoustic Music “Solonomagenes”. University of Lanus. 2nd place.
Chamber Music National Tribune of Composers. Argentina. Won.
2005 Soloist Instrument “Premio Único” in the Music contest of the city. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Won.
2003 Electroacoustic composition. Difusion Prize. International Contest for the Electroacoustic music composers. Won.
1999 Composition DeutscheGesellschaft Flute International Composers and Performers Contest. Frankfurt, Germany. Sellected.
Electroacoustic Music Juan Carlos Paz Composition Contest by the National founds for the arts. Won.
1998 Electroacoustic contest 1st forum Goethe institut of Córdoba. Sellected work.
Production Project “Buenos Aires no duerme” Government of the City of Buenos Aires. Sellected.
1997 Commendation of a piece for the Ereprijs Ensemble. III International Young Composers Meeting by the Gaudeamus Foundation, Netherland. Won.
Piano competition Sixty second International Piano competition – Paris New York Review, U.S.A. 5th place.
1996 Computer music “Toda Data” contest by Patricios Bank foundation. Won.
Composition. Work “El alma al cuerpo”. “III Bienal of Young Art of Buenos Aires”. Won.
1995 Sonoclip National Contest given by the Argentinian. Federation of Electroacoustic Music. Won (1st and 2nd place).
1994 Scholarship for studies and creation in the Musical Laboratory of Marsella, and an Invitation to the Institut fur Elektroakustik und Experimentelle Musik de Viena (Austria). “XVI Consorso Internationale Luigi Russolo” in Varese, Italy. Won.
1993 “Residencia” at the Studio G.M.E.B. “21 Concours International de Musique Electroacoustique” France. Won.
1992 Young prize of Literature by Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Fundation. Second place.
1991 Prize of Poetry. Work “Revista alas”. Secretary of Culture of Tapalque, Ba., Argentina. Won.




As a leader:

2021- “SURCOS” (Viajero móbil experimental, Argentina)

Works featured on:

2021- “Alhures” (Nucleo Musica Nova, Brazil)

2016- “Feminoise Latinoamérica” (Sisters Triangla Records, Argentina)

2009- “Stanford Composers” (Innova records, USA)

2007- “Argentina Electroacoustic Music” (80 Worlds label, Argentina)

2005- “10 KOFOMI” (Ein Klan Records, Austria)

2001- “Do not panic: sixty seconds for piano” (Wergo, USA)

2001- Patricia Martinez’s Music (Independent production)


Works Cited

  1. «“El adiós a la compositora Patricia Martínez”, Argentores, October 28th, 2022.». 
  2. «"Patricia Elizabeth Martínez", CCRMA, Department of Music, Stanford University, 2009.». 
  3. «"Patricia Elizabeth Martínez", CCRMA, Department of Music, Stanford University, 2009.». 
  4. a b c «Martinez, Patricia Elizabeth, "Resume", Patricia Martínez 2022». 
  5. «“Patricia Elizabeth Martínez”, CCRMA, Department of Music, Stanford University, 2009.». 
  6. «Martinez, Patricia, “Catalog of selected works” Patricia Martínez, 2022.». 
  7. Martínez, Patricia Elizabeth (2008). «“Engaged music”». Stanford University. 
  8. Fisherman, Diego (14 de mayo de 2015). «Paisaje para aprender y luego olvidar». Página 12. 
  9. a b Gianera, Pablo (24 de mayo de 2015). «Díptico para un despertar eterno». La nación. 
  10. Fernández, Jorge Luis (9 de marzo de 2019). «Témpanos y otros misterios». 
  11. «». Consultado el 4/2/2023. 
  12. Ballard, Jean (August 9th 2017). «2017 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival». 
  13. Martínez, Patricia Elizabeth (2022). «Recordings/Publications».