Usuario:Monica Arevalo Velasquez/Taller



The population in Colombia has grown considerably in the last years, with the arrival many immigrants, the building of new houses and residential complex will definitely be a need. To my mind, small towns especially near to cities such as La Calera might have large housing project in the next years, actually, I have seen the construction of shopping centers and new apartment building, this makes me think that this town probably won't be the same town as before. The urban area is going to be bigger year after year, this could cause the cost of living to increase and buy things may be more expensive. Honestly, the housing designs are more moderns, also the construction materials are more versatile, maybe the way to build includes simpler materials and processes, mainly due to the time limit and the need of the new owners. Regarding public works, I consider that there is a great potential, for example the road that connects Bogota to La Calera might be extended in the future. Also, the construction of the new parks, green space and bike lane probably be included in the municipal budget, because it is a necessity if the population is getting bigger. In conclusion, the future in my town will have numerous changes, specifically, the expansion of the urban area and investment in new housing construction projects.

La Calera


If La Calera grows in the same proportion that the actuality, the government will have to design programs to expand the urban area and improve access roads to rural area. Also, car traffic increases if many people prefer living in this town, because this town is close to the Colombia’s capital and it has a quiet and calm ambient, maybe some different to accelerated life in Bogota. Some people think, that If construction companies continue to do more housing projects, it will attract new habitants. Secondly, when the towns expand, environmental authorities must ensure compliance with regulations and protect vulnerable natural resources. Finally, we have to recognize that the growth of the cities and towns is a reality, the process of adaptation specially in Colombia will be slow and maybe traumatic if the way of managing the government doesn’t change based on future needs.