Usuario:Lefue/Taller Brokaw


    1. Breve bio
    1. Breve bio
    1. Breve bio
    1. IEEE SSCS - Reconocimiento Donald O. Pederson
    2. Debe haber otra fuente para esto...
      1. 2021 A. Paul Brokaw, Retired, Analog Devices Fellow "for leadership in the design of voltage references, amplifiers, and power management, and for contributions to the principles of analog circuit design"
  5. Fellow IEEE
    2. Dice que el nombre es Adrian P Brokaw LF-05, F-91
    1. Apenas un comentario, pero dice que es Belga -> en las bio de IEEE dice que nació en Minneapolis
    2. A. Paul Brokaw (F’91) was born in Minneapolis, MN in 1935. He spent his early years investigating flashlight workings and disemboweling toasters. Following experience in radio-TV repair shops and military radar maintenance, he developed circuits for geophysical instrumentation at Well Surveys Inc. After receiving the B.S. degree in physics from Oklahoma State University, he developed electronics for scientific satellites with Labko Scientific Inc. In 1963, he joined Arthur D. Little Inc. as a circuit design consultant to industrial, scientific, and government clients. He next became a designer for Communication Technology Inc. doing contract product designs of telephone plant and subscriber equipment. In 1971 he moved to Nova Devices which became the Semiconductor Division of Analog Devices. He has held several positions at Analog, generally related to design, and is now an Analog Fellow. He has designed a variety of products and holds upward of 100 U.S patents in areas including monolithic A/D and D/A converters, sensors, voltage references, amplifiers, power management circuits, and ASICs. He was selected in 1993 as Innovator of the Year by the readers of EDN magazine and more recently elected to the Electronic Design Magazine Hall of Fame. He has presented and published papers at technical conferences and in IEEE journals, has been active in IEEE including several years on the ISSCC program committee, served as guest editor of the IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLIDSTATE CIRCUITS, and is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.
  7. A simple three-terminal IC bandgap reference -
    1. Bio de esa época
    2. A. Paul Brokaw (M’73) was born in Minneapolis, Minn., on January 18, 1935. He received the B.S. degree in physics from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, in 1962. From 1962 to 1%.3, he was a Design 13ngineer at Labko Scientific, Inc. In 1963, he joined the technical staff of Arthur D. Little, Inc. as an Electronic Circuit Designer. After six years at ADL, he joined the design staff of Communication Technology, Inc. In 1971, he started at Nova Devices, Inc., now the Semiconductor Division of Analog Devices, Inc., where he is the Director of Advanced Product Development.
  8. Más de 100 patentes
    2. Ojo que no todas son de PB!
  9. Del artículo en inglés
      1. Paul Brokaw Inventor of the "Brokaw cell," a bandgap voltage reference technique that resulted in monolithic voltage references, Brokaw has designed a wide variety of leading-edge products. These include analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, sensors, voltage references, amplifiers, power-management circuits, and application-specific ICs. Long before these achievements, he cultivated his versatility by designing geophysical instrumentation and earth satellite and planetary probe instrumentation. In 1963, Brokaw joined Arthur D. Little Inc. as a circuit design consultant to industrial, scientific, and government clients. In 1971, he joined Nova Devices, which became the semiconductor division of Analog Devices. Holder of nearly 90 U.S. patents in analog IC designs, Brokaw now concentrates on developing new products and engineering resources for Analog Devices.
      1. Entrevista en el 2006
  10. Reconocimiento creado en su nombre: IEEE Brokaw Award for Circuit Elegance