The Goldbach Theorem




The proof of Goldbach's strong conjecture is presented, built on the foundations of the theory of gap, which, when combined with certain criteria about the existence of prime numbers in successions, gives us the evidence cited. In reality, we have proof a more general statement in relation to that attributed to Goldbach. As result, it is proved how a even number is the sum of two odd primes, of infinite ways and as a corollary, the conjecture about of the twin primes is also proof.



When someone claims that he has the proof of a legendary and famous conjecture, the answer he gets is disbelief. And it's not for less, considering the centuries of passed history and the amount of geniuses that failed when trying to solve it. Skepticism is well received, but must give way to analysis as compelling events are revealed.

In my opinion, if one can explain why a phenomenon occurs, then one has a proof for that phenomenon. Goldbach's strong conjecture had not been proven simply because nobody could explain why it happens. This document is a technical explanation of why this phenomenon exists. The theory used is not new to the author, I have called it the theory of gap and I used it in my research work on Fermat's Last Theorem, even before Andrew Wiles presented his laborious proof. A few days ago it occurred to me to dust off those ideas and apply them to Goldbach's conjecture to see what came out and the result is the content of this document.

The proof, finally, has been relatively easy to achieve. They do not require more than the four basic operations of arithmetic and a bit of fundamentals about primality theory. This can 'turn on alarms' among those who believe that the most important open problems can only be solved through very elaborate and complex theories! A very elaborate 'proof', usually can only be understood by three or four specialists in the world which makes it terribly unpopular. This is because only these people have, not intelligence, but rather, the necessary experience in the issues involved and hence the review of a work of these can take years. However, nowhere is it written that difficult problems must be solved in the same way. On the contrary, the simpler a proof for a difficult problem, more aroused admiration, since, in this case, there is more merit in discovering the facts that for centuries specialists have ignored that, in continuing to pay a certain cult to the difficulty and moving away more and more the pure mathematics of the 'mortal currents'. This proof is specially built so that anyone with basic education can understand it, I hope, without major difficulties.

Finally, I dedicate this proof to the memory of my deceased parents: Néstor and Sofía.

The Goldbach Conjeture


The Goldbach conjecture is one of the oldest open problems in mathematics.[1]​ is enunciated as:[2]

All even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers.

The conjecture is easy to see for small pairs, as illustrated below:

1 4 2 2
2 6 3 3
3 8 3 5
4 10 5 5
5 12 5 7
6 14 7 7
7 16 5 11
8 18 5 13
9 20 7 13
10 22 11 11

The conjeture of Goldbach:

it has been checked by computers for all even numbers less than  . Most mathematicians believe that the conjecture is true, and rely mostly on statistical considerations about the probabilistic distribution of prime numbers in the set of natural numbers: the larger the even integer, the makes more likely that can be written as the sum of two prime numbers .

Goldbach made two related conjectures about the sum of prime numbers:

  • The 'strong' conjeture and,
  • The 'weak' conjeture of Goldbach.

This research is about Goldbach's strong conjecture, which is often mentioned simply as conjeture of Goldbach.

The weak conjeture of Goldbach state that:

All odd number greater than 5 can be expressed as the sum of three prime numbers.

This conjecture was demonstrated by Harald Andrés Helfgott [3]​, and receives the name of 'weak' because the strong Goldbach conjecture, automatically implies the weak Goldbach conjecture. This is feasible because if every even number greater than 4 is the sum of two odd primes, you can add three to even numbers greater than 4 to produce odd numbers greater than 7, so sometimes it is usually stated as follows:

All odd number greater than 7 can be expressed as the sum of three odd prime numbers.

The following results summarize the advances obtained in this matter in the last two centuries:

  • In 1923, Hardy and Littlewood showed that, assuming a certain generalization of the Riemann hypothesis, the weak Goldbach conjecture is true for all sufficiently large odd numbers.
  • In 1937, the Russian mathematician Iván Matvéyevich Vinográdov [4]​ It was able to eliminate the dependence of the Riemann hypothesis and directly showed that all sufficiently large odd numbers can be written as a sum of three primes.
  • Chen Jing-run showed that each sufficiently large number is the sum of a prime number with a number that has no more than two prime divisors.
  • Olivier Ramaré showed in 1995 that every even number greater than four ( ) is in fact the sum of, at most, six primes, so it follows that each odd number   5 is the sum of at most, seven primes.
  • Leszek Kaniecki showed that every odd integer is the sum of at most, five primes, under the condition of the Riemann hypothesis. In 2012, Terence Tao demonstrated this without need of using the Riemann hypothesis.
  • Perhaps the most important result has been achieved by the Peru mathematic Harald Andrés Helfgott, who in January of 2014 presented the document [5]​ with the aforementioned demonstration.

On the result of Helfgott it is commented on [6]​:

The proof is based on the advances made in the early twentieth century by Hardy, Littlewood and Vinográdov. In 1937, Vinográdov proved that the conjecture is true for all odd numbers greater than some constant  . (Hardy and Littlewood had shown the same under the assumption that the generalized Riemann Hypothesis was true, we will discuss this later.) Since then, the constant   has been specified and gradually improved, but the best value (this is, the smallest) of   that was available was   (Liu-Wang), which was by far too large. Even   would be too much: as   is larger than the product of the estimated number of subatomic particles in the universe by the number of seconds since the Big Bang, there was no hope of checking each case up to   per computer (even assuming that one was an alien dictator using the entire universe as a highly parallel computer).

For the purposes of this investigation, the following definition is considered for Goldbach's strong conjecture:

All even number greater than 4 is the sum of two odd primes.

For convenience, we exclude the case   and focus on the odd primes.

Gap Theory


Gap Successions of Goldbach (GSG)


Consider the succession:


Named as Gap Succession of Goldbach (GSG). In the succession GSG, by inspection, we can make the following observations:

  • Each element of the sequence is obtained by the difference of the two consecutive elements that precede it in the column on the left.
  • All the elements of the first column [7]​, with the exception, perhaps, of the element that immediately follows zero (17 in this case), are composite numbers, that is, that can be expressed as the product of two nontrivial factors.
  • Each element in the sequence can be obtained from the elements that precede it by means of sums. For example,  , y  , equally  , etc.
  • Since the last column is constant and equal to  , each new element is obtained by adding 2 to the element that precedes it in the middle column, a result that is added in a similar way to the first column to get a new element.
  • The first column is then composed of composite numbers, the second column are all odd numbers and the third column are constant values.
  • Note that the factors involved in the first column all have the same difference, that is,  ,  ,  , ... ,  , y  . In addition, 16 serves as a generator of the entire sequence since the first element is obtained by doing  , and successively are obtained  , etc.
  • Note also that, the sum of the factors involved in the first column corresponds to the difference that appears in the second column decreased by one unit, that is,  , etc.

On the other hand, in a similar way, we can define the sequence:


In this last sequence we can also make some similar observations:

  • The factors involved in the elements of the first column add up all the same, that is,  , etc.
  • The difference of the factors involved in the first column now corresponds to the elements of the second column decreased in the unit. This is,  , etc.
  • The elements of the last column, the constant column, are now negative.
  • All the elements of the first column, with the exception perhaps of the element immediately following to zero (41 in this case), are composite numbers, that is, they can be expressed as the product of two nontrivial factors.

In both cases, we have two even numbers, namely, the difference and the sum of the factors involved in the first column. These even numbers are, by nature, associated with an infinite series of pairs of prime numbers, which leads to the direct proof of the Goldbach conjecture, as will be shown more clearly in the section 'Hard Numbers in GSG'.

Gap Successions of Fermat (GSF)


The successions seen above are intended to provide proof of the Goldbach conjecture, however, they are not the only ones. We can define similar sequences to attack other types of problems. For example, the following sequence, calculated for the first time in 1991, can be used to directly study Fermat's Last Theorem:

379 6
331 6
289 6

The Successions Theorem


Given a generating numerical sequence  , the infinite matrix is built


of the following way

  • For each  
  • For each  

schematically you have


the examples placed in the scheme suggest that each entry   can be expressed as a combination linear of generators  .

Theorem 1[8]​. For each  , we have  

Proof. (Induction on  )

  •   By definition, for any   we have   and trivially


  • Suppose that the formula is valid for   (and any  ) by definition

 ; For both   and   the formula is valid, then it can be replaced:


(changing index:  )


(by a property of the binomial coefficients)


and this is the formula for  

Special cases


  • If   is a non-zero real number, for each   let  . Then, according to the Theorem 1, it is received


  • If   is positive integer, for each   let  

The following section is dedicated to proof that in this case for each   we have  

combining this fact with the proven statement, we obtain the following 'surprising expressions' of the factorial

  • For each whole number  ,


  • In special,




Hard Numbers in GSG


The hard numbers are integers of the form  , where  . That is, they are integers in whose canonical decomposition only two nontrivial prime factors appear. For example   is a hard number that, however, does not honor its name simply because its magnitude is small. These numbers, having only two prime factors are very difficult to factoring when their size exceeds a certain dimension. However, in this paper, the factorization of these numbers does not represent a problem, as will be appreciated immediately. These numbers play a central role in the proof of the Goldbach's strong conjecture and other results.

The GSG defined in section 'Gap Successions of Goldbach (GSG)' enclose some mathematical details that allow us to know its nature. In effect, consider the GSG, written as shown below:


A remarkable fact appears in this presentation, namely, that each gap of zero order in a GSG can be written as the difference of two squares, namely two squares of the form:


where   represents the sum of the two factors decreased in the unit, and   represents the difference between the same factors. This implies that, being   a gap of zero order of the GSG, then we can write its decomposition as:


whore   and  . Also,   and  .

We define the numbers  , where, both   and   are odd primes, like the hard numbers of the sequence and we represent them by  . That is, wherever   appears, it will be understood that we are talking about a composite hard(hard number), a number with only two non-trivial prime factors. Some authors call these numbers as false primes or pseudoprimes.

For example, the hard numbers of the example given in the section 'Gap Succession of Goldbach' are:


Of course, only for the interval shown.



The existence of hard numbers ( ) allows associating an even number with two odd primes, so that this pair is just the sum of such primes. In practice there is more than one way to do that, however, in order to prove the strong Goldbach conjecture, in theory, it is only necessary to guarantee the existence of at least one hard number in each GSG.

Essentially, we look for numbers of the form  , where   a prime and   other prime, which are part of the first column of a GSG. By the Dirichlet theorem[9]​ on arithmetic progressions, it is known that there are linear functions   that produce infinite prime numbers as long as   and   are relative primes, that is,  . There are many results that involve primes generated by linear functions. However, in this study, we will follow a different strategy to guarantee the existence of infinite   in any GSG.

Let's go back to the GSG of the example given in the section 'Gap Succession of Goldbach'. If we detail a little the elements of the first column, that is,


The elements,   etc., all them with exception of 17, are composite numbers that assume the form  , with  , and in some special cases (hard numbers) we have  .

We can imagine the elements of the GSG as being part of a 'strip' double of numbers, which have an offset equal to the difference of  . The first strip, that is, the values  , naturally goes over all the integers and therefore runs through the complete set of prime numbers  . What will be the probability that one of these integers turns out to be a number prime ? considering a given interval. To calculate this value, we first use the prime counting function, that is,


with which we build the table below

10 4 0.4
100 21 0.21
1000 144 0.144
10000 1085 0.1085
100000 8685 0.08685
1000000 72382 0.072382
10000000 620420 0.0620420
100000000 5428681 0.0542868
1000000000 48254942 0.0482549
10000000000 434294481 0.04343

The table previous shows the values of   for different 10-powers with  . The value of   refers to the probability that an integer is prime for different intervals. For example, the first line indicates that there are four primes less than 10 (2, 3, 5, and 7). Therefore, the probability that any of those integers in the interval   turns out prime, is equal to  . In general we can express this probability as:


On the other hand, for be a hard number, there must be two odd primes. This leads us to ask ourselves the question: What is the probability that the two factors in the first column of a GSG are prime numbers ? Since the two ' strips' considered above are essentially the same, the probability that both factors are prime numbers is a composite probability and in our case it is:


This equation gives us the probability of having a hard number ( ) in a GSG.



The estimate for   given in the table before corresponds to the classical expression for  . However, we can improve the precision of this value a bit more by computing   with the expression:


which was introduced by Legendre, 25 years after Gauss discovered the approach (see [10]​).

10 8 0.43429
100 28 0.21715
1000 172 0.14476
10000 1231 0.10857
100000 9588 0.08686
1000000 78543 0.07238
10000000 665140 0.06204
100000000 5768004 0.05429
1000000000 50917519 0.04825
10000000000 455743004 0.04343

The table before, slightly improves the estimate of  . However, the estimate for   does not vary substantially and for this reason this modification will not affect the statistical calculations.



In the section 'Existence', method and formula is given to calculate the probability that any element of the GSG sequence will be a hard number. Based on this equations we can obtain the amount of hard numbers ( ) expected in the GSG sequence. The expression for this value is:


Where,   denotes the expected hard numbers in GSG, and   defines the sample size.

The expression given in above equation allows us to know how many hard numbers can be expected in a GSG before a certain value, as illustrated in the table below.

  2.30259 0.1886117 4 2
  4.60517 0.0471529 22 5
  6.90776 0.0209569 145 21
  9.21034 0.0117882 1086 118
  11.51293 0.0075445 8686 754
  13.81551 0.0052392 72382 5239
  16.11810 0.0038492 620421 38492
  18.42068 0.0029471 5428681 294706
  20.72327 0.0023285 48254942 2328539
  23.02585 0.0018861 434294482 18861170
  25.32844 0.0015588 3948131654 155877436
  27.63102 0.0013098 36191206825 1309803451
  29.93361 0.0011160 334072678387 11160455444
  32.23619 0.0009623 3102103442166 96230457659
  34.53878 0.0008383 28952965460217 838274208941
  36.84136 0.0007368 271434051189532 7367644414516
  39.14395 0.0006526 2554673422960305 65263562979797
  41.44653 0.0005821 24127471216847324 582134867319796
  43.74912 0.0005225 228576043106974624 5224700748244154
  46.05170 0.0004715 2171472409516259072 47152924252903480

With the help of this table, we collect the following facts:

  1. for  , the equation for   yields:

  We also find,   Therefore it is clear that   for all  . This is important because the condition   guarantees that in each GSG, there is at least one hard number, that is, a   such that   with   and   forming part of GSG.

  1. The table shows that the number of primes before a certain value  , that is,  , is always greater than the number of hard numbers  , [11]​ in the same interval, however, its magnitudes are comparable, having a close order, so that if  , then, likewise  . This results in the presence of infinite   for each GSG.
  2. This behavior is easy to see in the expression:


Since   is  , the full expression it evaluates to  .

The equation for   is a consequence of the symmetry of the problem, and has a singularity in  , since   indeterminate. However, this condition does not affect the calculation of   in any case.

We can now formulate the following:

Theorem 2: Every GSG contains infinite values   in its elements of zero order.

Proof. It is a consequence of the arguments presented in numerals 1 and 1-2 of this section  .



Theorem 2 leads us to define the primes in special series, so that in each GSG,   constant, for all elements of zero order in the GSG. That is, here   represents the sum of the factors   in the broad sense. To see it more directly, consider the following examples.

  (Twin primes)


Indeed, we have an infinite series of  , associated with an even number and, in this order of ideas, we can generate all the possible SGS, starting with the first pair,  , to obtain something like


Succession in which all so-called twin primes appear (see section Twin Primes below), that is, 3 and 5, 11 and 13, 17 and 19, etc.

But this situation is not exclusive to even 2.



Another GSG with   will be:


Where other primes are obtained, which can no longer be called twins because they are separated by 4 units, then we can tell them the 4-primes, of which the first key is  , and remaining:


And then come 6-primes, and so on for every pair.



For a moment, let's go back to the example in the section 'Gap Succession of Goldbach' and suppose you want to know, in this case, the value of   for the given sequence and for different sample sizes. First, consider a sample of 10 elements that according to   will produce:


hard number. When reviewing the first 10 elements of the sequence one by one, there are actually two hard numbers (57 and 161). Repeating this same exercise achieves the table below. The table shows that the theoretical prediction for   is always less than the real value, and the relationship between these two quantities (column 5) 'seems' converge to a certain value around  .

Sample     Real   Theoretical  
10 0.189 2 1 0.5
100 0.047 9 4 0.44
1000 0.021 39 20 0.51282
10000 0.012 200 117 0.585
100000 0.008 1233 754 0.61152
1000000 0.005 8210 5239 0.63812
10000000 0.004 58606 38490 0.65679
100000000 0.003 441055 294705 0.66818

Actually, it is difficult to know the value of this relationship for large values of the sample size in GSG, because  , must be calculated by brute force, that is, verifying one by one the hard numbers existing in the sequence. So, for very large sample sizes, this calculation is impractical.



If we change the reference par value from 16 to 98, then the relation   suffers, of course, some changes as shown in table below:

Sample     Real   Theoretical  
10 0.189 1 1 1
100 0.047 7 4 0.57143
1000 0.021 40 20 0.50000
10000 0.012 231 117 0.50649
100000 0.008 1485 754 0.50774
1000000 0.005 9815 5239 0.53377
10000000 0.004 70139 38492 0.54880
100000000 0.003 528631 294705 0.55749

The situation is essentially the same, noting that the observed relation, now, has varied from 0.6 to 0.5, but the fact that the theoretical values are lower than the real is maintained, excluding the case  , where the comparison is a bit abusive.



The table below shows the result of evaluating   for even numbers  . It is observed how the values of   are shown less than  , the latter, always growing to the right in the box.

Therefore, regardless the size of the reference pair used, the expression for   guarantees that there will always be an infinite number of   for any GSG sequence. A fact that was expected due to the way combine the strips considered in GSG, that is, the whole factors of the zero-order gaps.

Theor. value 1 4 20 117 754 5239
6 2 16 74 411 2447 16386
8 1 8 37 207 1259 8241
10 2 11 51 270 1624 10934
12 2 15 70 404 2421 16378
14 1 9 47 244 1487 9877
16 2 9 39 200 1233 8210
18 1 14 74 417 2477 16451
20 0 9 47 268 1644 10971
22 1 7 41 226 1351 9171
24 1 14 78 403 2474 16342
26 1 8 41 239 1347 8927
28 1 8 41 248 1468 9784
30 1 18 99 536 3329 21990
32 0 5 36 195 1203 8195
34 1 8 43 214 1305 8745
36 2 14 76 404 2463 16441
38 1 7 38 212 1291 8699
40 2 10 48 267 1638 10967
42 1 15 87 489 2931 19839
44 0 6 40 226 1408 9209
46 1 6 39 201 1292 8599
48 0 12 71 408 2482 16500

New statement


Now that we have proven results, it is convenient to review the classic statement of the strong conjecture to try to discover the meaning of the expression every even number is the sum of two prime numbers, a statement that is associated with the strong Goldbach conjecture.

However, some discrepancy arises when the expression 'sum' is given a meaning different from that used by Goldbach towards the first years of the 18th century. In fact, to see it better, consider how the conjecture materializes around the pair  . So, it is easy to verify that   would be the only solution in the sense used by Goldbach. Such solutions are obtained from the partitions for par 8 as shown below:


Since 3, 5 are the only pair of odd primes and therefore the only value   associated with par 8 under the concept of Goldbach sum, which implies a restrictive sense of the sum that does not take into account the signature of the addends. However, we can establish a relation of 'sum', in a more generalized additive sense, as shown below:


That is, we look for all combinations   constant pair. By doing this, the   values are achieved


that according to the results obtained in the section 'Hard Number in GSG' yields infinite values  , which correspond to all the ways of writing par 8 as the sum of two odd primes, including the signature, as indicated above :

11 - 3 = 8
13 - 5 = 8
19 - 11 = 8
31 - 23 = 8
37 - 29 = 8
61 - 53 = 8
67 - 59 = 8
79 - 71 = 8
97 - 89 = 8
109 - 101 = 8
139 - 131 = 8
157 - 149 = 8
181 - 173 = 8
199 - 191 = 8
241 - 233 = 8
271 - 263 = 8
277 - 269 = 8
367 - 359 = 8
397 - 389 = 8
409 - 401 = 8
439 - 431 = 8
457 - 449 = 8
487 - 479 = 8
499 - 491 = 8
571 - 563 = 8
577 - 569 = 8

The proposed statement


All these values of   are part of the GSG sequence associated with the par 8 and when it is evaluated for a sample size of one million, 8241 hard numbers ( ) are obtained, from where we have taken the sample previous to illustrate the case par = 8. We have chosen 8 for this example because in the restricted sense of the sum, only one value is obtained for  . But as we have just seen, by changing the meaning of the sum and accepting a more general concept as it is done now, infinite solutions appear for  , where  . This approach leads us to the next:

Theorem 3: Every even number greater than 4 is the sum[12]​ of two odd prime in infinite ways.[13]

Proof. First observe that since the Theorem 1 the existence of a sequence is guaranteed in such a way that the difference (or sum)   of all its elements is always the same, that is, it is constant for all the numbers   that are gaps of zero order, that is,   cte. This allows an arbitrary number pair (  or  ) be associated with the product of two factors,  , in infinite forms, as shown in the sections 'Gap Theory' and 'Gap Succession of Goldbach'. By combining this result with Theorem 2, the desired result is obtained   In the section 'Hard Number in GSG' it was shown and proved that, statistically speaking, the zero-order gaps of the resulting GSG contain, effectively, infinite hard numbers.

As a corollary we can say that Goldbach's strong conjecture, as we know it and have been stated here, is a special case of Theorem 3, which, being more general, include the concept of addition in the restricted sense and allows use a broader concept that involves no longer a pair, but infinite pairs of prime numbers, all them being part of the same family of numbers as zero-order gaps and all them constructed from the repetitive sum of the same quantity, an even number, as illustrated above in the section 'Gap Succession of Goldbach (GSG)'.

The twin primes corollary


Another very legendary conjecture states that:

There is an infinite number of primes   such that   is also prime.

For example, 3 and 5, are twin primes, also 11 and 13, 17 and 19, etc. All of them are built with:


in where, we separate the values   and we obtain the set of all the twin primes. Now, admitting the Theorem 3, it follows then that there are infinite twin primes in the GSG given above. In this way, the conjecture of the twin primes becomes the twin primes theorem, in the following:

Theorem 4: There are infinite twin primes.

Proof. It follows from Theorem 3  

Although we have stated this theorem separately, in reality, it has been a corollary of Theorem 3.

Other themes with gap theory


The theory of gaps is not limited to the solution of the conjectures seen above, in fact, it can be used to attack problems in many fields of number theory, both in real and complex variables. In the link below, you can consult evidence that involves results in the following fields of study:

  1. Goldbach conjecture
  2. Twin prime conjecture
  3. Arbitray gaps
  4. Fermat Last Theorem (direct proof)
  5. Generalized fermatian forms
  6. Elliptic curvs
  7. Diophantine equations and
  8. Complex variable

Here you can download evidence on the topics listed above

About of the Author


As the author of these ideas I hope to receive your comments and / or contributions in the mail For now, I am the only one who can make modifications but I hope this changes when this contribution becomes a standard article of the encyclopedia.

You can, if you wish, visit my profile on facebook, where you can download numerous articles of mathematics and if you are one of those who like electronic music you can visit my profile in youtube and listen to beautiful melodies made 100% on the computer with the Csound language, and fractal theory. Do not forget to subscribe to my channel.

Appendix A: Goldbach Theorem Calculated




  1. G.H. Hardy in 1921, in his famous speech at the Copenhagen Mathematical Society, commented that probably the Goldbach conjecture is not only one of the most difficult unresolved problems of number theory, but of all mathematics
  2. Christian Goldbach (1690-1764), Prussian mathematician, the conjeture data from 1742. See
  3. Two works published in the years 2012 and 2013 by the Peruvian mathematician Harald Andrés Helfgott, who claim the improvement of the estimates of the major and minor arcs, are considered sufficient to unconditionally demonstrate the conjecture weak of Goldbach.
  4. Vinográdov could not determine what 'was sufficiently large' exactly, his student K. Borodzin showed that   is a upper bound for the concept of 'large enough'. This number has more than six million digits, so checking the conjecture in each number below this level would be impossible. Fortunately, in 1989 Wang and Chen reduced this level to  . This means that if each of the odd numbers less than   turns out to be the sum of three prime numbers, then the weak Goldbach conjecture will be proven. However, this level must still be greatly reduced before each number can be checked below it.
  5. Helfgott, H. A. THE TERNARY GOLDBACH CONJECTURE IS TRUE. arXiv. 1312.7748v2. January 2014. 79 p.
  7. It can be seen as gaps of zero order.
  8. Oostra-Useche, 1991
  9. See\_de\_los\_numeros\_primos
  11. Which is very obvious, since its definition.
  12. Notice that here we are using the term sum in its broadest sense, as illustrated above.
  13. The case   involves only two pairs