The Amazonic Paradise

Colombia's location map

In the country of Colombia, to the east, and between the apital city of Bogota and the amazonic region, we find the department of Meta, which is the gat to the south east zone of the country. With 227 km of distance from the capital of Meta (Villavicencio) counts with a larger extension of territory than the capital itself. The principal town zone has shown during the last years a development directed to the gastronomy and tourism. Even though the violence time the town had to faced before , it has raised from the ashes as the phoenix.

It invites people to visit and fall in love with the "embrujo llanero"

A Potential Municipality


As a center of tourism and agriculture production, the town of Puerto Rico has a huge potential to become an agriculture zone outstanding in the whole country, because of its geography, it is rich in natural resources that are able to be exploded for production, cattle, bird observation, adventures for foreign people and more. It is bordered by the Ariari river, that provides for fishing and transportation in the zone; also, it is good to highlight the lakes and more hydric sources that keeps the called amazonic paradise with green tones all around. On every corner you can find around environments to fall in love and take a new breath of busy life.


Puerto Rico's location map
Ariari River

*History of Puerto Rico, Meta.