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//Personalizada por Axxgreazz, para el [[w:es:User:Axxgreazz/Monobook-Suite]]

//*****************Titulos de articulos******************************/
// Gets the article lemma with the namespace
function get_title()
   return mw.config.get('wgTitle');

// Gets the article lemma, with the namespace but without sub pages.
function get_tidy_title()
   var editlk = get_title()
   editlk = editlk.replace(/\/.*$/, ''); //removing subpages from the link
   return editlk;
// Gets the subpage lemma, with the namespace but without sub pages.
function get_subpage_title()
   var editlk = get_title()
   editlk = editlk.substring(editlk.indexOf('/') + 1); // strip off 
   return editlk;
