
John Fleming


The philosophy of zoology: or, A general view of the structure, functions and classification of animals
John Fleming, D.D.
Minister of Flisk, Fifeshire

  • Invertebrata
    • Gangliata. Mollusca
      • Division I Mollusca cephala
        • Section I Natantia
          • Class I Cephalopoda
            • Order I Nautiliade
              • Spirulus
              • Nautilus
              • Multiocular testaces
            • Order II Sepiade
              • Head, 2 feet
                • Sepia
                • Lolicus
              • Head, no feet
                • Octopus
                • Eledona
                • Ocythoe
          • Class II Pteropoda
            • with a shell
            • destitute of a shell
        • Section II Gastropoda
          • Class I Pulmonifera
            • Order I Terrestrial
              • Subdivision I Cloak and foot parallel
              • Subdivision II Cloak and foot not parallel
                • Tribe I Foot with a lid
                  • Cyclostoma
                • Tribe II Foot destitute of a lid
                  • Helix
                  • Bulimus
                  • Pupada
                  • Vitrina
                  • Succina
                  • Achatina
            • Order II Aquatic
              • Subdivision I Body protected by a shell
                • Tribe I Shell spirally twisted
                  • Shell turreted
                    • Lymneus
                    • Physa
                    • Aplexa
                  • Shell depressed
                    • Planorbis
                    • Segmentia
                • Tribe II Shell conical
                  • Anyculus
              • Subdivision I Body destitute of the protection of a shell
                • Peronia
          • Class II Branchifera
            • Order I Branchia external
              • Tribe I Branchia exposed
              • Tribe II Branchia simple
                • A Head furnished with tentaculus
                  • Tentaculus four in number
                    • Aplysia
                    • Notarchus
                    • Dolabella
                  • Tentaculus two in number
                    • Pleurobranchia
                • B Head destitute tentaculus
                  • Bulla
                  • Doridium
            • Order I Branchia internal
              • Subdivision I Heart detached from rectum
                • Tribe 1 Shell external
                  • A. Aperture of shell entire
                    • 1. Aperture of shell closed by lid
                      • Turbonidae
                      • Neritadae
                      • Truchuidae
                    • 2. Aperture of shell exposed
                      • Janthina
                      • Velutina
                  • B. Anterior margin of apertura of the shell canalicanated
                    • 1. Shell convoluted
                      • Cypresdae
                      • Ovuladae
                      • Volutadae
                    • 2. Shell turreted
                      • Buccinidae
                      • Muricidae
                      • Cerithidae
                      • Strombusidae
                • Tribe 2 Shell internal
                  • Sigaretus
              • Subdivision II Heart traversed by rectum
                • Tribe 1 Shell ear-shaped
                  • Haliotidae
                  • Haliotis
                  • Padois
                  • Stomatia
                • Tribe 2 Shell conical
                  • Crepiduladae
                  • Capulusidae
                  • Fissurelladae
      • Division II Mollusca acephala
        • Section I Acephala conchifera
          • Order I Brachipoda
            • Subdivision I Shell supported on a fleshy peduncle
              • Lingula
              • Terebratula
            • Subdivision II Shell sessile
              • Criopus
          • Order II Bivalvia
            • Subdivision I Cloak open
              • Tribe 1 Valve closed by an aducctor muscle
                • Pectenidae
                • Ostraedae
              • Tribe 2 Shell closed by two aducctor muscles
                • Avicularia
                • Meleagria
                • Pinna
                • Arcadae
            • Subdivision II Cloak more or less closed, forming a syphons
              • Tribe 1 one syphon
                • Mytisulidae
                • Uniodae
                • Cardita
                • Venericardia
                • Crammatella
              • Tribe 2 Cloak close posteriorily and anteriorily, forming 3 aperturas
                • Tridacna
                • Hippopus
              • Tribe 3 Anterior opening large
                • Charma
                • Cardius
                • Donax
                • Tella
                • Venus
                • Mactra
              • Tribe 4 Anterior opening small
                • Mys
                • Solen
                • Pholas
                • Teredo
        • Section II Acephala tunicata
          • Subdivision I Interior twice detached from external one, united only at two orifices
            • Tribe I Body permanently fixed to other bodies
            • A Simple animals
              • Aperture furnished with four rays
                • Cynthia
                • Caesira
                • Styela
                • Pandocia
            • B Compound animals
              • I Branchial oriface radiated
                • a branchial and anal orifices, with 6 rays
                  • Dizzona
                  • Polyzona
                  • Sigillinae
                • b branchial orifices only furnished with 6 rays
                  • Synoicum
                  • Sydneum
                  • Polyelinum
                  • Aplpidium
                  • Didemnum
                • II Branchial orifice simple
                  • Butryllus
                  • Euclacium
            • Tribe II Body free and moving about the water
              • Pyrosoma
          • Subdivision II Interior twice adhering throughout to the external one
            • Salpa