Plantilla:Ficha de Exposición Mundial

Vista general
Clase-BIE No reconocida
Nombre {{{nombre}}}
Tema {{{tema}}}
Edificio {{{edificio}}}
Área {{{area}}}
Invenciones {{{invenc}}}
Visitantes {{{visitantes}}}
Organizador {{{organizador}}}
Países {{{pss}}}
Organizaciones {{{org}}}
Empresas {{{emp}}}
País {{{pais}}}
Ciudad {{{ciud}}}
Sitio {{{sitio}}}
Coordenadas {{{coord}}}
Candidatura {{{cand}}}
Asignación {{{asign}}}
Apertura {{{apertura}}}
Clausura {{{clausura}}}
Ediciones universales
Anterior {{{expoante}}} en
Siguiente {{{exposigu}}} en
Ediciones especializadas
Anterior {{{suplante}}} en
Siguiente {{{suplsigu}}} en
Ediciones horticulturales
Anterior {{{unhoante}}} en
Siguiente {{{unhosigu}}} en
Universal {{{simuni}}}
Especializada {{{simspe}}}
Horticultura (AIPH) {{{simhor}}}
Otro {{{simotr}}}
Sitio web {{{website}}}
Icono de documentación de plantilla Documentación de la plantilla[ver] [editar] [historial] [purgar]


This template is designed to supply information on world's fairs, official BIE recognized, Universal, Specialized and Horticultural exhibitions as well as unofficial non-BIE exhibitions.


Lista de parámetros y definiciones

Nombre Parámetro Requerido Definición
Clase BIE clasebie Yes Expo class; Universal or Specialized or Horticultural; default:Not recognized
Categoría categoria No Expo sub category, applies only to Universal class Expos; 0=Historical, 1=First category, 2=Second category, 3=World Expo
Imagen imagen No Filename of image
Pie pie No Caption of image
Año año Yes The year(s) this Expo was held
Sección Vista general
Nombre nombre No Fullname of the fair
Tema tema No Motto of the fair
Edificio edificio No Landmark built for or related to the fair (e.g. The Eiffel tower)
Área area No Area of land used by the fair
Invenciones invenc No Invention(s) first shown in public
Visitantes visitantes No Number of visitors
Organizador organizador No Name of expo-commissioner/president or organizing body
Sección Participantes
Países pss No Number of participating countries and dependencies
Organizaciones org No Number of participating (international) organizations, agencies and institutions
Empresas emp No Number of participating commercial entities
Sección Localización
País pais No
Ciudad ciud Yes
Sitio sitio No place in the city where the Expo is held
Coordenadas coord No topographical coordinates of the venue
Sección Fechas
Candidatura cand No Date or Year candidacy was filed at BIE
Asignación asign No Date or Year the expo was awarded by government or BIE
Apertura apertura No Date the fair was opened
Clausura clausura No Date the fair was closed
seccion Ediciones
Anterior expoante No link to the article regarding, or name of, the previous world's fair of the same BIE-class
en ciudante No link to the article regarding, or name of, the city where the previous world's fair of the same BIE-class was held
Siguiente exposigu No link to the article regarding, or name of, the next world's fair of the same BIE-class
en ciudsigu No link to the article regarding, or name of, the city where the next world's fair of the same BIE-class will be held
Sección Suplementario
Suplementario supl No Used to mention a supplementary series of expositions other than the BIE-class of this exposition (e.g. the previous and next Specialized exposition in case of an universal exposition or vice versa, or an other series of which the exposition is part at the same time)
Anterior suplante No link to the article regarding, or name of, the previous world's fair of the same supplementary series
en suplciudante No link to the article regarding, or name of, the city where the previous world's fair of the same supplementary series was held
Siguiente suplsigu No link to the article regarding, or name of, the next world's fair of the same supplementary series
en suplciudsigu No link to the article regarding, or name of, the city where the next world's fair of the same supplementary series will be held
Anterior unhoante No link to the article regarding, or name of, the previous world's fair of universal or horticultural class reversed to main series
en unhoante No link to the article regarding, or name of, the city where the previous world's fair of universal or horticultural class reversed to main series
Siguiente unhosigu No link to the article regarding, or name of, the next world's fair of universal or horticultural class reversed to main series
en unhociudsigu No link to the article regarding, or name of, the city where the next world's fair of universal or horticultural class reversed to main series
Sección Simultáneo
Universal simuni No link to the article regarding, or name of, the universal exposition in the same year (e.g. 1992 Universal Expo in the Genova 1992 infobox)
Especializada simspe No link to the article regarding, or name of, the specialized exposition in the same year (e.g. Genova 1992 in the 1992 Universal Expo infobox)
Horticultura (AIPH) simhor No link to the article regarding, or name of, the horticultural exposition in the same year (e.g. Floriade 1992 in the 1992 Universal Expo infobox)
Otro simotr No link to the article regarding, or name of, one or more not recognized exposition(s) in the same year
Sección Internet
Website website No URL of website(s)


{{Ficha de Exposición Mundial
| clasebie        = 
| categoria       = 
| imagen          = 
| pie             = 
| año             = 
| nombre          = 
| tema            = 
| edificio        = 
| area            = 
| invenc          = 
| visitantes      = 
| organizador     = 
| pss             = 
| org             = 
| emp             = 
| pais            = 
| ciud            = 
| sitio           = 
| coord           = 
| cand            = 
| asign           = 
| apertura        = 
| clausura        = 
| expoante        = 
| ciudante        = 
| exposigu        = 
| ciudsigu        = 
| supl            = 
| suplante        = 
| suplciudante    = 
| suplsigu        = 
| suplciudsigu    = 
| unhoante        = 
| unhociudante    = 
| unhosigu        = 
| unhociudsigu    = 
| simuni          = 
| simspe          = 
| simhor          = 
| simotr          = 
| website         = 


{{Ficha de Exposición Mundial
| clasebie        = Universal
| categoria       = 0
| imagen          = Crystal Palace from the northeast.jpg
| pie             = The Great Exhibition 1851 en Hyde Park
| año             = 1851
| nombre          = Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations
| tema            = 
| edificio        = [[The Crystal Palace]]
| area            = 
| invenc          = [[Telegrafía]], [[vulcanización]]
| visitantes      = 6.039.195
| organizador     = 
| pss             = 28
| org             = 
| emp             = 
| pais            = {{GBR}}
| ciud            = [[Londres]]
| sitio           = [[Hyde Park]]
| coord           = {{coord|51|30|11|N|0|10|12|W}}
| cand            = 1849
| asign           = 1849
| apertura        = {{fecha|01|05|1851}}
| clausura        = {{fecha|11|10|1851}}
| expoante        = 
| ciudante        = 
| exposigu        = [[Exposición Universal de París (1855)]]
| ciudsigu        = [[París]]
| supl            = Empire Exhibitions
| suplante        = Pottery expo 
| suplciudante    = Dundee (1812)
| suplsigu        = Shamrock international
| suplciudsigu    = Dublín
| unhoante        = 
| unhociudante    = 
| unhosigu        = Flower Power 1875
| unhociudsigu    = Kew
| simuni          = 
| simspe          = Kite exhibit Hong Kong
| simhor          = Botanic 1851 Merseyside
| simotr          = Canons and guns Baltimore
| website         = 
1851 Londres

The Great Exhibition 1851 en Hyde Park
Vista general
Clase-BIE Universal
Categoría Exposición histórica
Nombre Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations
Edificio The Crystal Palace
Invenciones Telegrafía, vulcanización
Visitantes 6.039.195
Países 28
País Reino UnidoBandera del Reino Unido Reino Unido
Ciudad Londres
Sitio Hyde Park
Coordenadas 51°30′11″N 0°10′12″O / 51.50306, -0.17000
Candidatura 1849
Asignación 1849
Apertura 01 de mayo de 1851
Clausura 11 de octubre de 1851
Ediciones universales
Siguiente Exposición Universal de París (1855) en París
Empire Exhibitions
Anterior Pottery expo en Dundee (1812)
Siguiente Shamrock international en Dublín
Ediciones horticulturales
Siguiente Flower Power 1875 en Kew
Especializada Kite exhibit Hong Kong
Horticultura (AIPH) Botanic 1851 Merseyside
Otro Canons and guns Baltimore
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