Módulo:Zona de pruebas/Andahuaylas
Este módulo no tiene página de documentación[crear]
-- Module:Excerpt implements the Excerpt template
-- Documentation and master version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Excerpt
-- Authors: User:Sophivorus, User:Certes, User:Aidan9382 & others
-- License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
local Transcluder = require( 'Module:Transcluder' )
local yesno = require( 'Module:Yesno' )
local ok, config = pcall( require, 'Module:Excerpt/config' )
if not ok then config = {} end
local p = {}
-- Helper function to get arguments
local args
local function getArg( key, default )
local value = args[ key ]
if value and mw.text.trim( value ) ~= '' then
return value
return default
-- Helper function to handle errors
local function getError( message, value )
if type( message ) == 'string' then
message = Transcluder.getError( message, value )
if config.categories and config.categories.errors and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().isContentPage then
message:node( '[[Category:' .. config.categories.errors .. ']]' )
return message
-- Helper function to get localized messages
local function getMessage( key )
local ok, TNT = pcall( require, 'Module:TNT' )
if not ok then return key end
return TNT.format( 'I18n/Module:Excerpt.tab', key )
-- Main entry point for templates
function p.main( frame )
args = Transcluder.parseArgs( frame )
-- Make sure the requested page exists
local page = getArg( 1 )
if not page or page == '{{{1}}}' then return getError( 'no-page' ) end
local title = mw.title.new(page)
if not title then return getError( 'invalid-title', page ) end
if title.isRedirect then title = title.redirectTarget end
if not title.exists then return getError( 'page-not-found', page ) end
page = title.prefixedText
-- Set variables from the template parameters
local section = getArg( 2, mw.ustring.match( getArg( 1 ), '[^#]+#(.+)' ) )
local subsections = not yesno( getArg( 'subsections' ) )
-- Build the options for Module:Transcluder out of the template parameters and the desired defaults
local options = {
files = files,
lists = lists,
tables = tables,
paragraphs = paragraphs,
sections = subsections,
categories = 0,
references = references,
only = only and mw.text.trim( only, 's' ) .. 's',
noLinks = noLinks,
noBold = noBold,
noSelfLinks = true,
noNonFreeFiles = onlyFreeFiles,
noBehaviorSwitches = true,
fixReferences = true,
linkBold = true,
-- Get the excerpt itself
local title = page .. '#' .. ( section or '' )
local ok, excerpt = pcall( Transcluder.get, title, options )
if not ok then return getError( excerpt ) end
if mw.text.trim( excerpt ) == '' and not only then
if section then return getError( 'section-empty', section ) else return getError( 'lead-empty' ) end
-- Remove extra line breaks but leave one before and after so the parser interprets lists, tables, etc. correctly
excerpt = mw.text.trim( excerpt )
excerpt = string.gsub( excerpt, '\n\n\n+', '\n\n' )
excerpt = '\n' .. excerpt .. '\n'
-- Combine and return the elements
if inline then
return mw.text.trim( excerpt )
local tag = 'div'
if quote then
tag = 'blockquote'
excerpt = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'excerpt' ):wikitext( excerpt )
local block = mw.html.create( tag ):addClass( 'excerpt-block' ):addClass( class )
return block:node( styles ):node( hat ):node( excerpt ):node( more )
-- Entry points for backwards compatibility
function p.lead( frame ) return p.main( frame ) end
function p.excerpt( frame ) return p.main( frame ) end
return p