Módulo:Age utilities
This module has some functions to perform data calculations. It is not used directly from wikitext, but can be used by other lua modules. For age, a structure/table is used with the fields {years = x, days = y}
-- Returns age in years and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function ageInYearsAndDays(date2N, date1N)
-- Returns age in years, months and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function ageInYearsMonthsAndDays(date2N, date1N)
-- Returns < 0 if ageA < ageB, 0 if ageA == ageB, > 0 if ageA > ageB
function compareAges(ageA, ageB)
-- Returns true if ageA == ageB
function equalAges(ageA, ageB)
-- Returns a date as a sortable string with age in years and days ("x years and y days")
function ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)
local ageUtil = require('Module:Age utilities')
local ageInYearsAndDays = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDays
local ageInYearsAndDaysFormat = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDaysFormat
function something()
local age = ageInYearsAndDays(os.time({year = 1997, month = 8, day = 4}), os.time({year = 1875, month = 2, day = 21}))
return ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)
local p = {}
-- Local helper functions
-- Returns true if year is/was a leap year
local function isLeapYear(year)
return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 ~= 0 or year % 400 == 0)
-- Copied from [[en:Module:Age]]
local function gsd(year, month, day)
-- Return the Gregorian serial day (an integer >= 1) for the given date,
-- or return nil if the date is invalid (only check that year >= 1).
-- This is the number of days from the start of 1 AD (there is no year 0).
-- This code implements the logic in [[Template:Gregorian serial date]].
if year < 1 then
return nil
local floor = math.floor
local days_this_year = (month - 1) * 30.5 + day
if month > 2 then
if isLeapYear(year) then
days_this_year = days_this_year - 1
days_this_year = days_this_year - 2
if month > 8 then
days_this_year = days_this_year + 0.9
days_this_year = floor(days_this_year + 0.5)
year = year - 1
local days_from_past_years = year * 365
+ floor(year / 4)
- floor(year / 100)
+ floor(year / 400)
return days_from_past_years + days_this_year
-- Returns the magnitude of a number defined as the integer part of log10 of the absolute value of the number
-- Equivalent to [[Mal:Magnitude]]
local function magnitude(number)
if number == 0 then return nil end
return math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(number)))
-- Functions for calculating age
-- Returns age in years and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function p.ageInYearsAndDays(date2N, date1N)
local date1 = os.date('!*t', date1N)
local date2 = os.date('!*t', date2N)
local age = {}
age.years = date2.year - date1.year;
if date2.month < date1.month or date2.month == date1.month and date2.day < date1.day then
age.years = age.years - 1
local year = date2.year
if date2.month < date1.month or date2.month == date1.month and date2.day < date1.day then
year = year - 1
age.days = gsd(date2.year, date2.month, date2.day) - gsd(year, date1.month, date1.day)
return age
-- Functions for comparing ages
-- Returns < 0 if ageA < ageB, 0 if ageA == ageB, > 0 if ageA > ageB
function p.compareAges(ageA, ageB)
if ageA.years ~= ageB.years then
if ageA.years < ageB.years then return -1 end
return 1
if ageA.days ~= ageB.days then
if ageA.days < ageB.days then return -1 end
return 1
return 0 -- equal
-- Returns true if ageA == ageB
function p.equalAges(ageA, ageB)
return p.compareAges(ageA, ageB) == 0
-- Functions for displaying age
-- Returns a date as a sortable string with age in years and days ("x años y y días")
function p.ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)
local result = tostring(age.years) .. ' ' .. (age.years == 1 and 'año' or 'años')
if (age.days ~= 0) then
result = result .. ' y ' .. tostring(age.days) .. ' ' .. (age.days == 1 and 'día' or 'días')
return '<span data-sort-value="' .. tostring(1000 * age.years + age.days) .. '">' .. result .. '</span>'
return p