
No estoy seguro en eso de la familia Pejačević, supongo que habría que citar fuentes. De todas formas para el nombre en húngaro, existe la versión en húngaro de wikipedia. Sin embargo puede que el nombre de esta familia fuese de esta forma, y habría que ponerlo. Yo no tengo las fuentes, tan sólo traduje de la versión inglesa. Si citas tus fuentes Koppany, no hay problema en poner las dos versiones. --Transducción 16:55 16 oct 2007 (CEST)

Perdona, my Spanish is not good enough to explain the topic well. Pejácsevich family according its tradition is of Bulgarian origin and they settled idown in Slavonia during the Ottoman period. It is nor easy to decide what their nationality is, because they have spoken both Crotaian and Hungarian and in Croatian texts their surname was written Pejačević while in Hungarian and German documents it was written Pejácsevich. Today the family members live in Argentina, Uruguay, UK, Venezuela, Austria and USA and use their surname as Pejácsevich or sometimes Pejacsevich because in English speaking countries the use of "á" is problematic. You can find several sources, above all the book of the Baron János Gudenus: The Hungarian aristocracy III(A magyar főnmesség III, Budapest 1998) and lot of others in internet:

I am not against the use of Croatian form, but the Hungarian should be also mentioned. Gracias. --Koppany 19:48, 16 October 2007 (UTC)

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