Discusión:Computación ubicua
Ampliada un poco la introducción, los antecedentes históricos y añadidas referencias.—Kikoso (discusión) 18:34 7 sep 2010 (UTC)
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En su artículo de 2004 (All watched over by machines of loving grace) aparece por primera vez este términoque volverá a
editarThe most direct descendants of Mark Weiser's [1] "calm computing" concept include products from the company Ambient Devices, which has produced an "orb", a "dashboard", and a "weather beacon", devices that receive data from a wireless network and unobtrusively provide it to a person's peripheral attention, with a lighted globe (the orb) quietly signalling (e.g.) stock market movement, a similar lighted cube (the beacon) signalling weather, and a set of analog meters signalling a variety of user-configurable data.
Another example is the Datafountain[2], an internet enabled water fountain used to display money currency rates, created by Koert van Mensvoort. The heritage of these devices can be traced to a group of experimental devices created at Xerox PARC, notably Natalie Jeremijenko's "Live Wire," a simple piece of string attached to a stepper motor, itself attached to a simple integrator attached to the office LAN. When the LAN was busy, the motor would step, and the string would twitch, yielding a peripherally noticeable indication of network traffic. Weiser called this calm technology Some would consider GPS-equipped automobiles that give interactive driving directions or RFID store checkout systems to be examples of this kind of system, but these are far from the type of application that were imagined at either PARC or MIT.
Current Research
editarUbiquitous computing encompasses wide range of research topics, including distributed computing, mobile computing, sensor networks, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence. Research labs are taking interest in developing this field are listed here.
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- Se añadió el archivo https://web.archive.org/web/20070630213952/http://www.ubiq.com/hypertext/weiser/SciAmDraft3.html a http://www.ubiq.com/hypertext/weiser/SciAmDraft3.html
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