Archivo:Viola (pansy) - 4.jpg

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Descripción Photograph of a Pansy (Viola x wittrockiana), from the viloaceae or violet family, photographed in the neighborhood called Capitol Hill - Denver, Colorado USA.
Fuente Trabajo propio
Autor Photograph taken by and (c)2007 Johnathan J. Stegeman (Midimacman)
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actual20:36 31 may 2007Miniatura de la versión del 20:36 31 may 20072816 × 2112 (1,61 MB)Midimacman== Summary == {{Information |Description= Photograph of a Pansy, from the viloaceae or violet family, photographed in the neighborhood called Capitol Hill - Denver, Colorado USA. |Source=self-made |Date=4/15/2007 |Author=Photograph taken by and (c)20

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