Archivo:Ukraine film clapperboard.svg

Ver la imagen en su resolución original ((Imagen SVG, nominalmente 60 × 60 pixels, tamaño de archivo: 11 kB))

Descripción From GNOME version of Nuvola. May be included in the PNG version under Nuvola/apps. Edited for easier deriving.
Fecha (UTC)
GNU head Esta biblioteca es software libre; puede ser redistribuida y modificada de acuerdo con la Licencia Pública General Reducida de GNU tal como ha sido publicada por la Fundación par el Software Libre, en su versión 2.1 o cualquier otra (lo que prefiera) Esta biblioteca se distribuye con la esperanza de que pueda ser útil, pero sin garantía alguna; ni siquiera la garantía implícita de comercialización o adecuación la una finalidad específica. Visite la versión 2.1 y la versión 3 de la Licencia Pública General Reducida de GNU para obtener más detalles.

Registro original de carga

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg licensed with PD-self
    • 2009-01-02T15:23:43Z Tat1642 1200x800 (364 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 10:05, 7 June 2008
    • 2009-01-02T15:23:24Z Tat1642 1200x800 (364 Bytes) Vandalism was
    • 2009-01-02T14:23:12Z SeNeKa 1200x800 (364 Bytes) Colors corrected
    • 2008-06-07T10:05:06Z Ahonc 1200x800 (364 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 08:28, 7 June 2008
    • 2008-06-07T08:38:24Z Serhio 900x600 (945 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2008-06-07T08:28:38Z Serhio 1200x800 (364 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 19:24, 15 March 2007
    • 2008-06-07T08:25:16Z Serhio 990x765 (932 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2007-03-15T19:24:01Z Jon Harald Søby 1200x800 (364 Bytes) resizing
    • 2007-03-14T08:30:31Z Akhristov 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
    • 2006-10-17T06:24:34Z Akhristov 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
    • 2006-10-16T23:26:03Z Denelson83 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
    • 2006-10-15T21:16:35Z Akhristov 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
    • 2006-10-15T21:11:35Z Akhristov 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Another color change
    • 2006-10-15T21:03:26Z Akhristov 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
    • 2006-02-18T08:38:52Z Denelson83 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Colour correction for screen
    • 2005-11-13T08:09:24Z Jon Harald Søby 12000x8000 (371 Bytes) Flag of [[Ukraine]]. Written by [[User:Jhs|Jon Harald Søby]]. {{insignia}} {{PD-self}} [[Category:Flags of Ukraine]] [[Category:SVG flags]]
  • File:Mplayer_blank.svg licensed with LGPL
    • 2010-01-25T23:12:17Z Beao 60x60 (9630 Bytes) Tweak.
    • 2010-01-25T19:11:23Z Beao 60x60 (9725 Bytes) Tweak.
    • 2010-01-25T19:09:42Z Beao 60x60 (9725 Bytes) Update.
    • 2010-01-25T19:07:34Z Beao 60x60 (10106 Bytes) Tweak.
    • 2010-01-25T15:29:43Z Beao 60x60 (9855 Bytes) {{Information |Description=From [[w:GNOME|GNOME]] version of [[Nuvola]]. May be included in the PNG version under [[Nuvola/apps]]. Edited for easier deriving. |Source=*[[:File:Mplayer.svg|]] |Date=2010-01-25 15:29 (UTC) |Aut

Uploaded with derivativeFX


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Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
actual01:03 26 ene 2010Miniatura de la versión del 01:03 26 ene 201060 × 60 (11 kB)Beao{{Information |Description=From GNOME version of Nuvola. May be included in the PNG version under Nuvola/apps. Edited for easier deriving. |Source=*File:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg *File:Mplayer_blank.svg |Date=2010-01-26 01:02 (U

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