Esta imagen representa una bandera, un escudo, un sello o alguna otra insignia oficial. El uso de estos símbolos está restringido en muchos países. Estas restricciones son independientes del estado de sus derechos de autor.
El uso del símbolo de la imagen está regulado por ciertos tratados internacionales, especialmente por los Tratados de la Haya de 1899 y 1907, las Convenciones de Ginebra de 1949 y sus protocolos adicionales de 1977 y 2005, así como por otras leyes del derecho internacional humanitario ya en acuerdos escritos, ya por viejas prácticas. El uso indebido de este símbolo está prohibido por estos tratados, amén de por la legislación nacional de todos los países que los hayan ratificado. Estas restricciones son independientes de los cambios en los derechos de autor de lo que se enseña aquí.
This is a photographic work, audiovisual recording, motion picture, sound recording, or broadcast work, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This is a work of applied arts, and at least 25 years have elapsed its first publication or it was not published within 25 years of authorship.
This is a work by a pseudonymous or anonymous author, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This is a work other than described above, and
Its last author died at least 50 years ago, or
Its last author died before publication and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication, or
The author is a legal entity, and at least 50 years have elapsed since the first publication of the work or the work was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This work was created or commissioned by the Thai Government, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
To uploaders : Please specify the kind of work, date of first publication or creation and other useful details.
Note that this work might not be in the public domain in countries that do not apply the rule of the shorter term and have copyright terms longer than life of the author plus 50 years. In particular, Mexico is 100 years, Jamaica is 95 years, Colombia is 80 years, Guatemala and Samoa are 75 years, Switzerland and the United States are 70 years, and Venezuela is 60 years.
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Ribbon bar of Red Cross Medal of Appreciation, 1st Class (Thailand)