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Alemannisch: *Bschriibig: Dr ditsch Schriftsteller, iberzeigte Katholik un Liäbhaber vum Alemannische Reinhold Schneider (*1903, †1958), wu anne 2003 zu sinem 100. Geburtsdag nit ere Briäfmark gehrt wore isch. Diä Briäfmärk isch entworfe vu dr Ursula Maria Kahrl un zeigt e Bruschtbild vum Reinhold Schneider un eins vu sinene Gedichter.
Lizäns: Des Bild isch gmeinfrei; Ditschi Briäfmarke sin as amtligs Wärk noch em § 5 Abs. 1 UrhG gmeinfrei.
English: *Description: The German writer Reinhold Schneider (*1903, †1958) on a German stamp issued in 2003. The stamp is designed by Ursula Maria Kahrl.
License: This picture is public domain because of German law § 5 Abs. 1 UrhG.
This file is most likely NOT in the public domain. It has been marked for review, and will be deleted in due course if the review does not find it to be in the public domain.
This file was previously considered to be in the public domain as a German stamp; it is possible that it is in the public domain for other reasons, in which case a new rationale will be applied as part of the review process. See below for the previous rationale.
Previous public domain rationale, no longer applicable
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
English: This stamp is in the public domain in Germany because it was released by the Deutsche Post AG on behalf of BMF and is an official work in Germany according to § 5 Abs. 1 UrhG. Thus it is in the public domain in Germany according to German copyright law (Urheberrechtsgesetz): more information.