English: A light aircraft's three-blade propeller, fitted with an electric de-icing system. The electrical leads that can be seen coming out of the ring gear are attached to slip rings mounted on a plate attached to the ring gear. Electricity is transferred to the slip rings by carbon graphite brushes that are in contact with the rings. The brushes are held in a block bolted to the engine. The electrical leads are joined to the propeller de-ice boots at the white terminal blocks that can be seen bolted to the white plate. The white plate is used to fasten the propeller spinner (the cover for the propeller hub).
26 de mayo de 2015 (fecha original de carga)
Digital image taken by YSSYguy on 26 May 2015 for use in the Ice protection system article. YSSYguy (talk) 11:23, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
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A light aircraft's three-blade propeller, fitted with an electric de-icing system. The electrical leads that can be seen coming out of the ring gear are attached to slip rings mounted on a plate attached to the ring gear. Electricity is transferred to...
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