Archivo:Propeller blade with TKS deice boot detail.JPG

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English: Close-up of the inboard section of a blade of an aircraft's propeller, fitted with a boot as part of a TKS fluid de-ice system. The rubber boot is moulded with channels and ridges to help in spreading the de-icing fluid along the leading edge of the blade. The end of a black metal pipe can be seen poking out from behind the unpainted metal of the propeller spinner (the cover for the propeller hub); there is a pipe for each propeller blade. The other end of the pipe is connected to a ring which runs around the propeller hub. The ring is cup-shaped in cross-section; de-icing fluid is squirted out of another pipe bolted to the engine and is collected by the ring. As the propeller spins, centrifugal force causes the fluid to run through the pipes attached to the ring, then the fluid dribbles onto each blade's boot. Centrifugal force and the channels on the boot spread the fluid along the leading edges of the propeller blades.
Fecha 26 de mayo de 2015 (fecha original de carga)
Fuente Digital image taken by YSSYguy on 26 May 2015 for use in the Ice protection system article. YSSYguy (talk) 11:05, 26 May 2015 (UTC)
Autor YSSYguy (talk)


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2015-05-26 11:05 5184×3456× (3904860 bytes) YSSYguy Close-up of the inboard section of a blade of an aircraft's propeller, fitted with a boot as part of a TKS fluid de-ice system. The rubber boot is moulded with channels and ridges to help in spreading the de-icing fluid along the leading edge of the bl...


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