Archivo:Presidential Emergency Operations Center.jpg

Presidential_Emergency_Operations_Center.jpg (514 × 341 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 47 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)


The Presidential Emergency Operations Center, located under the East Wing of the White House, Washington, D.C., United States of America.

Caption from White House website:

"As Vice President Dick Cheney talks on the phone, Karen Hughes listens with fellow White House staff members in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center Sept. 11, 2001. White House photo by David Bohrer."

From left to right: Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten (in doorway), Counselor to the President Karen Hughes (leaning over table), unknown aide, David Addington (against wall), National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, unknown aide (possibly Counselor to the Vice President Mary Matalin), and Vice President Dick Cheney (on phone).


Este archivo es un trabajo de un empleado de la Oficina Ejecutiva del Presidente de los Estados Unidos, tomada o realizada durante el ejercicio del cargo de la persona. Como trabajo del Gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos, el archivo es de dominio público.

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actual07:49 14 nov 2005Miniatura de la versión del 07:49 14 nov 2005514 × 341 (47 kB)ArmadniGeneralThe en:Presidential Emergency Operations Center, located under the East Wing of the White House, Washington, D.C., United States of America. Caption from [ White House website]: "As V

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