
Papawai1897.jpg (700 × 485 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 83 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)


Descripción Maori group in the porch at the opening of the large two-storied Parliament house of the Kotahitanga movement at Pāpāwai, Greytown, New Zealand; Richard John Seddon stands to the left of the group. 1897. Pāpāwai was the seat of the Maori Parliament in the 1890s; it later fell into disrepair in the years following World War One.
Fuente Alexander Turnbull Library, Reference Number PAColl-1892-77.
Autor Keedwell, Ruby :Photograph albums of Wellington and the Wairarapa of the 1880s to 1900.
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actual03:53 30 ene 2007Miniatura de la versión del 03:53 30 ene 2007700 × 485 (83 kB)Kahuroa{{Information |Description=Maori group in the porch at the opening of the arge two-storied Parliament house of the Kotahitanga movement at Pāpāwai, Greytown, New Zealand; Richard John Seddon stands to the left of the group. 1897. Pāpāwai was the seat

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