Archivo:Myoko after surrender (2).jpg

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English: Captain Power visits the damaged Japanese cruiser. 25 September 1945, Singapore. In May 1944, five ships of the Twenty-Sixth Destroyer Flotilla attached to the British East Indies fleet, led by HMS Saumarez, with Captain M L Power, CBE, OBE, DSO AND BAR, as Captain (D), sank the Japanese cruiser Haguro in one hours action at the entrance to the Malacca Strait. When Saumarez entered Singapore Naval Base, Captain Power with his staff officers, paid a visit to Myoko, sister ship of Haguro, now lying there with her stern blown off after the Battle of the Philippines. Crossing to the deck of the Myoko via the conning tower of a German U-boat, Captain Power and his party were met by Japanese officers who took them on a comprehensive tour of the ship.

Two British naval officers examine what is left of the MYOKO's stern.
Image of the exterior main entrance to the Imperial War Museum in London. This photograph A 30703 comes from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. Flag of the United Kingdom.
Autor Trusler, C (Lt)
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Picture of an inspection of damage to Japanese cruiser Myōkō in Singapore in 1945

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actual00:53 12 dic 2023Miniatura de la versión del 00:53 12 dic 20231295 × 973 (573 kB)MeeepmepBetter crop
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16:12 17 may 2016Miniatura de la versión del 16:12 17 may 2016800 × 601 (71 kB)Wolcott{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Captain Power visits the damaged Japanese cruiser. 25 September 1945, Singapore. In May 1944, five ships of the Twenty-Sixth Destroyer Flotilla attached to the British East Indies fleet, led by HMS Saumarez, with C...

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