Archivo:Minor planet count.svg

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Generated with Wikimedia SVG Chart

Data format The source data of the chart is in the SVG image file in a clearly readable format. You see the original numbers inside of the SVG file in the form of a list such as this:
1995 10.06
1996 11.75
1997 12.45
Content of SVG To view the data download the SVG file itself. To do so right-click this link, and then choose the option to save: File:Minor planet count.svg. Launch any text editor. Open the downloaded SVG file with the text editor (usually; file menu, open). To see the list of data, search for the phrase id="graph1".
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El código fuente de esta imagen SVG es inválido por un error.
This W3C-invalid chart was created with Wikimedia SVG Chart.
This chart uses embedded text/digits.
Code to generate SVG See: File talk:Minor planet count.svg. Documentation see: Wikimedia SVG Chart.
English: The numbers of total, numbered, and named minor planets from 1995 to 2013. Produced with data from IAU Minor Planet Center.
Русский: Общее число, а также число нумерованных и именованных малых планет с 1995 по 2016 годы.
Fuente Graph generated from archive statistics by IAU Minor Planet Center, at [1]
Autor Graph is own work.
(Reutilización de este archivo)
Freely-available datasets may be redistributed as long as the source for the data is clearly specified.[2]
Otras versiones Chinese version: 中文版:小行星數目.svg


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Increase of known minor planets from 1995 to 2019

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Historial del archivo

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(recientes · primeras) Ver (10 siguientes · ) (10 · 20 · 50 · 100 · 250 · 500).
Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
actual09:20 5 may 2023Miniatura de la versión del 09:20 5 may 2023790 × 400 (34 kB)Bean49Reverted to version as of 22:07, 3 May 2023 (UTC)
09:19 5 may 2023Miniatura de la versión del 09:19 5 may 2023790 × 400 (35 kB)Bean49utf8-BOM
21:35 4 may 2023Miniatura de la versión del 21:35 4 may 2023790 × 400 (35 kB)Bean49allowReorder="yes" back
22:07 3 may 2023Miniatura de la versión del 22:07 3 may 2023790 × 400 (34 kB)Bean49Added Hungarian translation
15:53 20 abr 2021Miniatura de la versión del 15:53 20 abr 2021790 × 400 (34 kB)AspereAdded Korean translation
00:11 17 abr 2021Miniatura de la versión del 00:11 17 abr 2021790 × 400 (34 kB)Bjankuloski06Corrected Macedonian (mk) text
06:40 1 jul 2020Miniatura de la versión del 06:40 1 jul 2020790 × 400 (34 kB)Rfassbindfollow-up c/e (named MPs > fill color)
06:32 1 jul 2020Miniatura de la versión del 06:32 1 jul 2020790 × 400 (34 kB)RfassbindData update up to May 18, 2019; make graph editable manually again
19:03 17 jun 2019Miniatura de la versión del 19:03 17 jun 2019790 × 400 (33 kB)SMPAdding Catalan translation
04:32 11 ene 2019Miniatura de la versión del 04:32 11 ene 2019790 × 400 (34 kB)JFGData update up to October 2018; make graph editable manually again
(recientes · primeras) Ver (10 siguientes · ) (10 · 20 · 50 · 100 · 250 · 500).

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