Archivo:Kabul-Kandahar Highway in 2003.jpg

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Afghanistan: Layer of Asphalt Is Compacted Along Kabul-Kandahar Road

Reconstruction of the country’s principal road system is the key to Afghanistan’s economic recovery. Rebuilding the transportation infrastructure will enable the movement of people, aid resources, and farm and trade goods–all essential to Afghanistan’s development. The United States has provided about $190 million, through USAID, to reconstruct a 300-mile segment of Highway 1.
Fecha Tomada el 1 de julio de 2003
Autor Unknown, USAID
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Véase también: USAID: Preguntas frecuentes (en inglés)

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actual00:06 28 abr 2008Miniatura de la versión del 00:06 28 abr 20081400 × 926 (155 kB)Officer{{Information |Description='''Afghanistan: Layer of Asphalt Is Compacted Along Kabul-Kandahar Road''' Reconstruction of the country’s principal road system is the key to Afghanistan’s economic recovery. Rebuilding the transportation infrastructure wi

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