Archivo:Image from page 69 of "Mexico today and tomorrow; an outline of the present earning power and future possibilities of her railroad systems. Facts, figures and suggestions regarding the principal traffic producing centers" (1906).jpg

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English: Identifier: mexicotodaytomor00vinc

Title: Mexico today and tomorrow; an outline of the present earning power and future possibilities of her railroad systems. Facts, figures and suggestions regarding the principal traffic producing centers Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Vincent, Ralph Waterman Subjects: Railroads Publisher: [New York?] Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

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Text Appearing After Image: TWO GENERAL VIEWS OF PACHUCA. some points in common with our own Capital City and als.Jdiffers from it in many respects. Mexico City has a popu-lation of 400,000, while Washington has only about 280,000..Probably more foreign nations are represented here than inWashington. An American coming here for the first timomust be strongly impressed with the idea, however, that hisfellow countrymen are well represented and not only thattheir ideas regarding the management of business and of agreat city have been introduced, but also that a large num-ber of Americans are actually on the ground engaged in th;-.widely varying activities of the city. Mexico City is a thoroughly modern town in many re-spects. All of the principal streets are asphalted, thewhole city is generously lighted by electricity, while itand a large group of suburbs are served by an excellentsystem of trolley cars. The trolley company has as itsgeneral manager, W. W. Wheatley, formerly of Newark,N. J. The streets are well ke

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Fuente Image from page 69 of "Mexico today and tomorrow; an outline of the present earning power and future possibilities of her railroad systems. Facts, figures and suggestions regarding the principal traffic producing centers" (1906)
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