Archivo:I-635 (TX).svg

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Public domain This file is in the public domain because it comes from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, sign number M1-1, which states specifically on page I-1 that:
Any traffic control device design or application provision contained in this Manual shall be considered to be in the public domain. Traffic control devices contained in this Manual shall not be protected by a patent, trademark, or copyright, except for the Interstate Shield and any other items owned by FHWA.
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750 mm by 600 mm (30 in by 24 in) Interstate shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs (sign M1-1). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts archive copy at the Wayback Machine. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) Colors are from [1] (Pantone Red 187 and Blue 294), converted to RGB by [2]. The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border.


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Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
actual23:42 22 abr 2008Miniatura de la versión del 23:42 22 abr 2008751 × 601 (19 kB)Ltljltlj{{Ltljltlj}} 750 mm by 600 mm (30 in by 24 in) Interstate shield, made to the specifications of the [ 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs] (sign M1-1). Uses the [ Roadgeek

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