Archivo:Howard Estabrook 1916.jpg

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Identifier: motionpicturestu00moti (find matches)
Title: Motion Picture Studio Directory and Trade Annual (1916)
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Authors: Motion Picture News, Inc.
Subjects: Motion Pictures Film Industry Yearbook nyarc-museumofmodernart
Publisher: New York, Motion Picture News, Inc.
Contributing Library: The Museum of Modern Art Library, New York
Digitizing Sponsor: Media History Digital Library

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
JACK SHERRILL (Frohmans Wonder Boy)Frohman Amusement Corp. Then Ill Come Back to YouConquest of CanaanThe Witching Hour Address, 18 East 41st St., N. Y. C. MMUN: Mil i!,;:,,::;; li,; :;i,; M;;..:; ;, :,;;;;: ,i!... -,, ;;,, ;i:;;: ,; !M .,;.; ,;i;, ;; , Be sure to mention MOTION PICTURE NEWS when writing to advertisers 170 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. XIV. No. 16. Section 2
Text Appearing After Image:
HOWARD ESTABROOK MR. ESTABROOK made his first screen appearance in 1914 as the star of Officer 666, and is now permanentlyaligned with film productions. Has starred in features for George Kleine-General Film, World Film, Metro,Pathe Gold Rooster, International, etc. Most recent, International Film Service serial, The Mysteries of Myra.Appeared in many stage successes in New York and London, including The Dictator, Brown of Harvard, Onthe Quiet, Going Some, The Boss, Within the Law, Little Women, etc.; travelled two years in Italy, Switzer-land and France; devoted a year to writing and stage direction. Last stage appearances, star of Search Me, and withElsie Janis in Miss Information. Prepared for University of Michigan, but chose business career, eventually leaving County Treasurers Office, Detroit,for stage career. Is married to Gretchen Dale. Member of Society of American Dramatists and Composers, and LambsClub, New York. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

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Flickr tags
  • bookid:motionpicturestu00moti
  • bookyear:1916
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Motion_Picture_News__Inc_
  • booksubject:Motion_Pictures
  • booksubject:Film_Industry_Yearbook
  • booksubject:nyarc_museumofmodernart
  • bookpublisher:New_York__Motion_Picture_News__Inc_
  • bookcontributor:The_Museum_of_Modern_Art_Library__New_York
  • booksponsor:Media_History_Digital_Library
  • bookleafnumber:179
  • bookcollection:museumofmodernart
  • bookcollection:mediahistory
  • bookcollection:americana
  • bookcollection:nyarc
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28 de julio de 2014


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