Archivo:Hong Nan-pa photograph (cropped).jpg

Hong_Nan-pa_photograph_(cropped).jpg (389 × 482 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 67 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)


한국어: 홍난파 흑백 사진, 슈트에 나비 넥타이
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Autor DesconocidoUnknown author
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: Hong Nan-pa photograph.jpg
imagen original


Public domain
This file is now in the public domain in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) because its term of copyright has expired there. (details)

According to Articles 39 to 44 of the Copyright Act of the Republic of Korea, under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Republic of Korea all copyrighted works enter the public domain 70 years after the death of the creator (there being multiple creators, the creator who dies last) or 70 years after publication when made public in the name of an organization. (30 years for death before 1957, 50 years before July 2013)

This applies to copyrighted works of which authors died before 1 January 1963, or made public in the name of an organization before 1 January 1963.

Furthermore, with the exceptions of photographs reproducing otherwise copyrighted works of art, and photographs inserted into a work of study or art and produced only for the purpose of inclusion within said work, photographs or other works of a similar form to photography either published or produced in negative on or before 31 December 1976 are now in the public domain in the Republic of Korea as their term of copyright has expired there.

There are exceptional cases. Property rights are to belong to the state according to provisions of the Civil Law and other laws upon the death of a copyright owner without heir or, in the case of a legal person or organization, upon its dissolution. The product must also be in the public domain in the United States.

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También debes incluir una etiqueta de dominio público de los Estados Unidos para indicar por qué esta obra está en el dominio público en los Estados Unidos.

Historial del archivo

Haz clic sobre una fecha y hora para ver el archivo tal como apareció en ese momento.

Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
actual14:46 28 feb 2025Miniatura de la versión del 14:46 28 feb 2025389 × 482 (67 kB)HashfluFile:Hong Nan-pa photograph.jpg cropped 49 % horizontally, 60 % vertically, 80 % areawise using CropTool with lossless mode.

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