Archivo:Helminthope psammobionta dorsal schematic.jpg

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English: Schematic dorsal view of Helminthope psammobionta. Abbreviations: ag, accessory ganglia; agl, caudal adhesive gland; am, ampulla; an, anus; apg, anterior pedal glands; bb, buccal bulb; bg, buccal ganglia; cpg, cerebropleural ganglion; dg, digestive gland; ey, eye; fg1-5, female glands (proximal to distal); fz, presumed filter zone; go, gonad; gp, genital pore; it, intestine; kd, kidney; lpag, left parietal ganglion; mo, mouth opening; np, nephropore; oc, oocytes; opg, optic ganglion; pg, pedal ganglia; rpag, right parietal ganglion; sc, statocyst; sgl, salivary gland; spz, spermatozoa; subg, subintestinal ganglion; supg, supraintestinal ganglion; tg, ‘terminal’ gland; vg, visceral ganglion.

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Fuente Brenzinger, B., et al. (2013). At the limits of a successful body plan – 3D microanatomy, histology and evolution of Helminthope (Mollusca: Heterobranchia: Rhodopemorpha), the most worm-like gastropod. Frontiers in Zoology 10 37.
Autor Bastian Brenzinger, Gerhard Haszprunar, and Michael Schrödl


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