Archivo:Growth of Library Genesis, 2009-2022.png

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English: "by the end of november 2021, the nonfiction & fiction sections combined held more than 5.5 million books (source: "overview-languages_2021-11-27", here - third tab on the spreadsheet). that doesn't include scimag, which is mostly academic/research papers.

at the time i'm writing this post, there are 3,417,572 accessible uploads in the nonfiction section & 2,528,277 in fiction. (snapshots: nonfiction, fiction.) that's over 5.9 million books - a net gain of 273,471 books since i first calculated this in march - giving a rate of almost 1300 new additions a day over the course of 2022.

if you know how to work with SQL databases (or can find someone who can), here's a snapshot from april 2019 that should allow you to get a sense of whether growth was faster from 2014-2019 or 2019-now. you could also try to use the wayback machine to get big-picture snapshots like the ones i used, but you'd need to know libgen's old URLs.

i threw this together based on numbers that are easily available, but if anyone wants to create a more detailed examination, you can use the database dumps (like the one i linked above) to examine changes in metadata like languages, publication dates, & the like. it would also be cool to see more graphs & charts, if anyone's interested in making those. because of libgen's fairly open architecture, it's much easier to work with its data than many other closed source libraries, so i hope people more technically capable than myself take advantage of that!"

Permission to upload was given here
Autor Reddit user HappilyEngrained


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Data comes from the sql database dumps; a reddit user made a quick python script to read the TimeAdded column from the fiction and nonfiction databases

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actual08:10 25 oct 2022Miniatura de la versión del 08:10 25 oct 2022847 × 587 (41 kB)PrototyperspectiveUploaded a work by Reddit user HappilyEngrained from with UploadWizard

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