Archivo:Folliculogenesis chart.gif

Folliculogenesis_chart.gif (585 × 349 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 15 kB; tipo MIME: image/gif)



Diagram for folliculogenesis. Obtained from

Fecha 11 de julio de 2005 (fecha original de carga)
Fuente Transferido desde en.wikipedia a Commons.
Autor The original uploader was D. Wu de Wikipedia en inglés.


Public domain This image is a work of the National Institutes of Health, part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, taken or made as part of an employee's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.
Please ensure that this image was actually created by the US Federal government. The NIH frequently uses commercial images which are not public domain.
Esta obra ha sido identificada como libre de las restricciones conocidas en virtud del derecho de autor, incluyendo todos los derechos conexos.

This file does not appear to be in the public domain. See: [1] It is part of a book, Endocrinology An Integrated Approach by Stephen Nussey and copyrighted by BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd, 2001. It is only published on a NIH server.

Registro original de carga

Aquí se muestra la página de descripción original. Los siguientes nombres de usuario se refieren a en.wikipedia.
  • 2005-07-11 22:11 D. Wu 585×349×7 (15123 bytes) Diagram for folliculogenesis. Obtained from [] {{PD-USGov-HHS-NIH}}


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actual03:43 22 mar 2007Miniatura de la versión del 03:43 22 mar 2007585 × 349 (15 kB)Fran Rogers{{Information |Description=Diagram for folliculogenesis. Obtained from [] en:ja:画像:卵胞形成チャート.gif |Sour

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