Archivo:Flag of the Republic of China Reserve Command.svg

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English: The Flag of the Reserve Command of the Republic of China
Fuente 立法院法律系統
Autor 中華民國國防部Akira123重繪


Copyright Act in effect in Taiwan:

Article 9

The following items shall not be the subject matter of copyright:

  1. The constitution, acts, regulations, or official documents.
  2. Translations or compilations by central or local government agencies of works referred to in the preceding subparagraph.
  3. Slogans and common symbols, terms, formulas, numerical charts, forms, notebooks, or almanacs.
  4. Oral and literary works for news reports that are intended strictly to communicate facts.
  5. Test questions and alternative test questions from all kinds of examinations held pursuant to laws or regulations.

The term "official documents" in the first subparagraph of the preceding paragraph includes proclamations, text of speeches, news releases, and other documents prepared by civil servants in the course of carrying out their duties.


This work is from any of the items above and is in the public domain in Taiwan administered by the Republic of China and possibly other jurisdictions. For images of traffic signs and road markings, please see also Template:PD-ROC-Traffic Signs and Template:PD-ROC-Road Markings.

PD-ROC-exempt Public domain in the Republic of China //

Flag of the Republic of China
Flag of the Republic of China


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actual09:57 29 ene 2014Miniatura de la versión del 09:57 29 ene 20141125 × 750 (35 kB)JitcjiDiscuss first.
03:51 28 ene 2014Miniatura de la versión del 03:51 28 ene 20141125 × 750 (35 kB)Fry1989Reverted to version as of 07:23, 26 December 2013
14:46 17 ene 2014Miniatura de la versión del 14:46 17 ene 20141125 × 750 (35 kB)Jitcji微調色彩
07:23 26 dic 2013Miniatura de la versión del 07:23 26 dic 20131125 × 750 (35 kB)Akira123Revise Details
04:00 16 mar 2013Miniatura de la versión del 04:00 16 mar 2013941 × 610 (53 kB)Akira123User created page with UploadWizard

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