
Feigenbaumzoom.gif (201 × 201 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 44 kB; tipo MIME: image/gif, bucleado, 20 frames, 2,0s)


English: zooming in on the mandelbrot set, on the feigenbaum point at (-1.401155...,0), from one circle to the next smaller one, using exponential zoom. the circles are approximately (not exactly) self similar and approach self similarity as one zooms in further. the first circle here has a diameter of approximately 0.025947, the next one, 0.00558526. the ratio between the two is approximately 4.645621, a bit less than the feigenbaum constant.
Fuente Trabajo propio
Autor Bewareircd


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actual23:05 19 nov 2009Miniatura de la versión del 23:05 19 nov 2009201 × 201 (44 kB)Bewareircd{{Information |Description={{en|1=zooming in on the mandelbrot set, on the feigenbaum point at (-1.401155...,0), from one circle to the next smaller one, using exponential zoom. the circles are approximately (not exactly) self similar and approach self si

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