This work is a portrait photograph of an MP published on the website of the in 2016 or later. The legal notice (Icelandic) permits the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the work. The following conditions must be followed:
Attribute the photographer whenever possible.
Do not distort, mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the Work which would be prejudicial to the Original Author's honor or reputation. (see moral rights)
To the uploader: Please provide a link to the original file and cite authorship as "Althing".
El propietario de los derechos de autor de este archivo, Althing, autoriza a cualquier persona a usarlo para cualquier propósito, siempre que el titular de los derechos de autor sea atribuido apropiadamente. La redistribución, la realización de trabajos derivados, el uso comercial y otro tipo de usos están permitidos.
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