Archivo:Exploring the Universe in Virtual Reality.jpg

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English: Goddard engineer Tom Grubb manipulates a 3D simulation that animated the speed and direction of four million stars in the local Milky Way neighborhood. Goddard astronomer Marc Kuchner and researcher Susan Higashio used the virtual reality program, PointCloudsVR, designed by primary software developer Matthew Brandt, to obtain a new perspective on the stars' motions. The simulation helped them classify star groupings.

Another application developed under Goddard and NASA research and development programs makes designing spacecraft, instruments and repair missions easier, allowing engineers to experience the space before they start to build it.

Credits: NASA/Chris Gunn

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Autor NASA Goddard Photo and Video
Chris Gunn    wikidata:Q110278636
Chris Gunn
Descripción fotógrafo estadounidense
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creator QS:P170,Q110278636


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Esta imagen fue publicada en Flickr por NASA Goddard Photo and Video en (archivo). La imagen fue revisada el 1 de marzo de 2020 por el robot FlickreviewR 2 y confirmó tener licencia bajo los términos de cc-by-2.0.

1 de marzo de 2020


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Exploring the Universe in Virtual Reality

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