DescripciónEucallista purpurata (Lamarck, 1818); Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil (bluegray).jpg
English: Three valves of the shell of the marine Bivalvia Eucallista purpurata (Lamarck, 1818), the Purple Amiantis; during the 20th century called Amiantis purpurata (Lamarck, 1818); originally named Cytherea purpurata by Lamarck, in 1818[1]; an edible species in Brazil, living intertidal to 2 meters; distributed from the coast of southeast, from Espírito Santo to the south of these country, Uruguay and Argentina (to San Matias Gulf); named Almeja Púrpura in spanish language. Specimen collected in the beach of Enseada, Guarujá, Brazil (between 1988-1989). The name Amiantis purpuratus is a misspelling.
ABBOTT, R. Tucker; DANCE, S. Peter (1982). Compendium of Seashells. A color Guide to More than 4.200 of the World's Marine Shells. New York: E. P. Dutton. p. 357. 412 pp. ISBN0-525-93269-0
RIOS, Eliézer (1994). Seashells of Brazil. Second edition. Rio Grande, RS. Brasil: FURG. p. 287. 492 pp.
BOFFI, Alexandre Valente (1979). Moluscos Brasileiros de Interesse Médico e Econômico. São Paulo: FAPESP - Hucitec. p. 60. 182 pp.
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