Archivo:Escudo Oficial Distrito Llanos de Santa Lucía.png

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English: District Official Coat of Llanos de Santa Lucia. This is the original District Coat, as seen since 2011 and by agreement of the District Council of Llanos de Santa Lucía and the District 5 Civic Association, the latter make a grant of 1000 U.S. dollar to improve the original District coat. This year, 2014, our fifth district of Paraíso of Cartago, Llanos de Santa Lucía, is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and it's when starts a huge city marketing campaign. Thanks to all the citizens that helped to the design of this Coat of District thru the last five years, thanks indeed!
Fuente Trabajo propio
Autor MarcSJO
Posición de la cámara9° 50′ 51,82″ N, 83° 52′ 52,06″ O Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Ubicación de esta y otras imágenes en: OpenStreetMapinfo

This is the original District Coat, as seen since 2011 and by agreement of the District Council of Llanos de Santa Lucía and the District 5 Civic Association, the latter make a grant of 1000 U.S. dollar to improve the original District coat. This year, 2014, our fifth district of Paraíso of Cartago, Llanos de Santa Lucía, is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and it's when starts a huge city marketing campaign. Thanks to all the citizens that helped to the design of this Coat of District thru the last five years, thanks indeed!


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9°50'51.8248"N, 83°52'52.0590"W

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