
Tamaño de esta previsualización PNG del archivo SVG: 220 × 180 píxeles. Otras resoluciones: 293 × 240 píxeles · 587 × 480 píxeles · 939 × 768 píxeles · 1252 × 1024 píxeles · 2503 × 2048 píxeles.
Ver la imagen en su resolución original ((Imagen SVG, nominalmente 220 × 180 pixels, tamaño de archivo: 4 kB))
![]() |
Este es un archivo de Wikimedia Commons, un depósito de contenido libre hospedado por la Fundación Wikimedia. Más abajo se reproduce su página de descripción con la información sobre su origen y licencia. |
DescripciónEhrenfest-paradox-disk.svg |
English: The Ehrenfest paradox in special relativity describes a spinning cylinder, which should contract around the circumference due to Lorentz-contraction, while its radius remains constant. The graphic shows rulers which rest in the laboratory system and rulers attached to the cylinder, which get contracted relatively to the laboratory system.
Deutsch: Das Ehrenfestsche Paradoxon der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie beschreibt einen rotierenden Zylinder, der sich entlang seinem Umfang aufgrund der Lorentzkontraktion kontrahieren sollte, während sein Radius konstant bleibt. Die Grafik zeigt Maßstäbe die im Laborsystem ruhen, so wie Maßstäbe die mit dem Zylinder rotieren und deshalb relativ zum Laborsystem kontrahiert werden. |
Fecha | |
Fuente | Trabajo propio |
Autor | Geek3 |
Otras versiones | Spinning-disk.svg (without rulers) |
Source Code
The image is created by the following source-code. Requirements:
python source code:
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import svgwrite as svg
except ImportError:
print 'You need to install svgwrite:'
from math import *
size = 220, 180
rx, ry = size[0] / 2 - 3, 50
v = float(ry) / float(rx)
l = 40
lw = 2
# document
doc = svg.Drawing('ehrenfest-paradox-disk.svg', size=size)
doc['stroke-width'] = lw
doc['fill'] = 'white'
doc['stroke'] = 'black'
doc['stroke-linejoin'] = 'miter'
# background
doc.add(doc.rect(id='background', insert=(0, 0), size=size, stroke='none'))
# disk
grad = doc.defs.add(doc.linearGradient(id='grad', start=('0%',0), end=('100%',0), gradientUnits='objectBoundingBox'))
grad.add_stop_color(offset=0, color='#f7f7f7')
grad.add_stop_color(offset=0.5, color='#dddddd')
grad.add_stop_color(offset=1, color='#999999')
disk = doc.add(doc.g(id='disk', transform='translate(' + str(size[0]/2) + ',' + str(ry+3) + ')'))
path = 'M ' + str(-rx) + ',0 V ' + str(l)
path += ' A ' + str(rx) + ',' + str(ry) + ' 0 1 0 ' + str(rx) + ',' + str(l)
path += ' V 0 Z'
disk.add(doc.path(d=path, fill='url(#grad)', stroke_linejoin='bevel'))
disk.add(doc.ellipse(center=(0, 0), r=(rx, ry), fill='#d8d8d8'))
disk.add(doc.ellipse(center=(0, 0), r=(2, 2.0*v), fill='black'))
radius_angle = radians(-40.0)
csr = cos(radius_angle), sin(radius_angle)
disk.add(doc.line(start=(0,0), end=(rx*csr[0], ry*csr[1]),
stroke_width=lw*sqrt(csr[0]**2 + (v*csr[1])**2)))
# round arrow
ar, aw, ah, ab, al, a0, a1 = 0.7*rx, 7, 2, 1, 3, radians(160), radians(100)
apath = 'M ' + str(ar*cos(a0)) + ',' + str(ar*sin(a0))
apath += ' A %f,%f 0 0 0 %f,%f' % (ar, ar, ar*cos(a1), ar*sin(a1))
arrowhead = doc.defs.add(doc.marker(id='arrowhead', orient='auto', overflow='visible'))
arrowhead.add(doc.path(fill='black', stroke='none',
d='M 0.0,0.0 L %f,%f L %f,0 L %f,%f L 0,0 z'%(-ab, -ah, al, -ab, ah)))
arrow = doc.path(d=apath, fill='none', stroke_width=aw, transform='scale(1,' + str(v) + ')')
arrow['marker-end'] = arrowhead.get_funciri()
# ruler
ruler = doc.defs.add(doc.g(id='ruler'))
rw, rh, rn = 32, 14, 4
ruler.add(doc.path(d='M 0,0 H %f V %f H 0 V 0 Z'%(rw+3, rh),
fill='white', stroke='none'))
squares = ''
for i in range(rn/2):
squares += 'M %f,0 H %f V %f H %f V 0 Z '%(i*rw*2./rn, (1+i*2.)*rw/rn, rh, i*rw*2./rn)
ruler.add(doc.path(d=squares, fill='red', stroke='none'))
ruleredge = 'M %f,0 H %f V %f H 0 V 0 H %f V %f'%(rw, 3+rw, rh, rw, rh)
for i in range(1, rn):
ruleredge += ' M %f,0 V %f'%(i*rw/float(rn), rh/2.)
ruler.add(doc.path(d=ruleredge, fill='none', stroke='black', stroke_width=lw, stroke_linecap='round'))
rulers = doc.add(doc.g(id='rulers'))
rulers.add(doc.use(ruler, insert=(0, 0), transform='matrix(0.89, 0.42, 0, 1, 17, 134)'))
rulers.add(doc.use(ruler, insert=(0, 0), transform='matrix(1.00, 0.16, 0, 1, 54, 150)'))
rulers.add(doc.use(ruler, insert=(0, 0), transform='matrix(1.00, 0.00, 0, 1, 95, 156)'))
rulers.add(doc.use(ruler, insert=(0, 0), transform='matrix(0.53, 0.33, 0, 1, 16.53, 91)'))
rulers.add(doc.use(ruler, insert=(0, 0), transform='matrix(0.57, 0.19, 0, 1, 39, 104)'))
rulers.add(doc.use(ruler, insert=(0, 0), transform='matrix(0.60, 0.10, 0, 1, 63, 112)'))
doc.add(doc.path(d='M 16.5,106 V 133', fill='none', stroke_width=1, stroke_dasharray='4,2'))
doc.add(doc.path(d='M 84.5,130 V 154', fill='none', stroke_width=1, stroke_dasharray='4,2'))
# text
doc.add(doc.path(id='omega', stroke='none', fill='black',
transform='translate(70,70) scale(0.03,-0.03)',
d='M 13 0 m 251 82 c 9 -63 43 -93 94 -93 c 59 0 113 38 153 93 c 75 104 94 \
255 94 289 c 0 71 -37 71 -43 71 c -25 0 -50 -26 -50 -48 c 0 -13 6 -19 15 -27 \
c 32 -33 35 -65 35 -87 c 0 -85 -85 -219 -190 -219 c -9 0 -37 0 -55 23 c -12 \
16 -20 35 -20 55 c 0 3 0 5 6 16 c 19 45 33 100 33 113 c 0 12 -7 23 -21 23 c \
-11 0 -20 -9 -28 -25 c -2 -5 -14 -49 -21 -101 c -2 -18 -2 -20 -9 -27 c -44 \
-61 -90 -77 -124 -77 c -66 0 -88 55 -88 114 c 0 75 37 158 84 225 c 10 14 10 \
16 10 19 c 0 8 -6 12 -12 12 c -16 0 -62 -88 -76 -120 c -37 -89 -38 -171 -38 \
-180 c 0 -80 30 -142 106 -142 c 65 0 113 46 145 93 z'))
doc.add(doc.path(id='r', stroke='none', fill='black',
transform='translate(152,60) scale(0.03,-0.03)',
d='M 29 0 m 59 59 c -3 -15 -9 -38 -9 -43 c 0 -18 14 -27 29 -27 c 12 0 30 8 \
37 28 c 2 4 36 140 40 158 c 8 33 26 103 32 130 c 4 13 32 60 56 82 c 8 7 37 33 \
80 33 c 26 0 41 -12 42 -12 c -30 -5 -52 -29 -52 -55 c 0 -16 11 -35 38 -35 c \
27 0 55 23 55 59 c 0 35 -32 65 -83 65 c -65 0 -109 -49 -128 -77 c -8 45 -44 \
77 -91 77 c -46 0 -65 -39 -74 -57 c -18 -34 -31 -94 -31 -97 c 0 -10 10 -10 12 \
-10 c 10 0 11 1 17 23 c 17 71 37 119 73 119 c 17 0 31 -8 31 -46 c 0 -21 -3 \
-32 -16 -84 z'))
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![]() |
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21 ene 2013
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actual | 00:35 21 ene 2013 | ![]() | 220 × 180 (4 kB) | Geek3 | {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Ehrenfest paradox illustration}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Geek3 |Date ={{Date|2013|01|21}} |Permission = |other_versions = }} |
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Título breve | Ehrenfest-paradox-disk.svg - Illustration of the Ehrenfest paradox in special relativity |
Título de la imagen | The Ehrenfest paradox in special relativity
( describes a spinning cylinder, which should contract around the circumference due to Lorentz-contraction, while its radius remains constant. The graphic shows rulers which rest in the laboratory system and rulers attached to the cylinder, which get contracted relatively to the laboratory system. from Wikimedia Commons about: source: rights: GNU Free Documentation license,Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license |
Anchura | 220 |
Altura | 180 |