Archivo:Byzantine - The "Rubens Vase" - Walters 42562.jpg

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The "Rubens Vase"   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
Anónimo (Imperio bizantino)Unknown author
The "Rubens Vase"
English: Carved in high relief from a single piece of agate, this extraordinary vase was most likely created in an imperial workshop for a Byzantine emperor. It made its way to France, probably carried off as treasure after the sack of Constantinople in 1204 during the Fourth Crusade, where it passed through the hands of some of the most renowned collectors of western Europe, including the Dukes of Anjou and King Charles V of France. In 1619, the vase was purchased by the great Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). A drawing that he made of it is now in Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, inv. 5430. The subsequent fate of the vase before the 19th century is obscure. The gold mount around its rim is struck with a French gold-standard mark used in 1809-1819 and with the guarantee stamp of the French departement of Ain. A similar late Roman agate vessel, the "Waddesdon Vase" or "Cellini Vase," in now in the British Museum, London.
Fecha hacia 400 (Late Antique)
Técnica agate and gold
Dimensiones altura: 18,6 cm; ancho: 18,5 cm; profundidad: 12 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,18.6U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,18.5U174728
dimensions QS:P5524,12U174728
institution QS:P195,Q210081
Número de inventario
Lugar de creación Constantinople (present-day Istanbul, Turkey) (?)
Historial de la pieza
  • Foire Saint Germain Sale, Paris, 1619
  • Peter Paul Rubens, Antwerp, 1619, by purchase
  • Daniel Fourment, Antwerp, ca. 1626-1628, by purchase
  • Emperor Jahangir of India [date of acquisition unknown], by consignment
  • Dutch East India Company, prior to 1635, by confiscation
  • Holland, 1818
  • William Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire, 1818, by purchase
  • Sale, English & Fasana, Bath, November 20, 1845, no. 167
  • Alexander Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton, London, 1845, by purchase
  • William A. A. Hamilton, 11th Duke of Hamilton, 1852, by inheritance
  • William A. L. S. Douglas-Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton, 1863, by inheritance
  • Sale, Christie's, London, June 17, 1882, no. 487
  • Samson Wertheimer, London, 1882, by purchase
  • Sale, Christie's, London, March 15, 1892
  • Alfred Morrison, London, 1892, by purchase
  • Sale, Christie's, London, June 12, 1899
  • Sir Francis Cook, Richmond, 1899, by purchase
  • Wyndham F. Cook, London, 1901, by inheritance
  • Humphrey W. Cook, London, 1905, by inheritance
  • Sale, London, Christie's, July 14, 1925, no. 90
  • Henry Walters, New York, 1925, by purchase
  • Sadie Jones (Mrs. Henry Walters), New York, 1931, by inheritance
  • Sale, Parke-Bernet, New York, May 2, 1941, no. 1316
  • Walters Art Museum, 1941, by purchase
Exhibition history Early Christian and Byzantine Art. Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore. 1947. World of Wonder. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. 1971-1972. Undercover Stories in Art. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. 1980. Highlights from the Collection. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. 1998-2001.
Adquisición Museum purchase [formerly part of the Walters Collection], 1941
Fuente Museo Walters: Home page  Info about artwork
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1799 píxel

1623 píxel

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