
AnuakMan.jpg (500 × 522 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 103 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)


English: Anuak man. "‘Mister' Caam is Anuak born in Sudan when "your father was not yet to born". Caam is the living memory of the Anuak people, the witness and the actor of a history at the margin.

He got involved with the Anya Nya guerilla movement during the first Sudanese civil war (1955-1971). He chose exile and went to study and make research on Biblical terminology in Jerusalem. In 1967, the Six-days War led to the capture of the city by the Israeli army. Caam was expelled because of his Sudanese nationality, even if he gave up with his nationality. How to rapatriate a stateless person? He was first sent to Greece, before being sent to India, then to Egypt and from Egypt to Ethiopia.

In Ethiopia, he first became an orthodox priest, he met several times the Emperor Haile Selassie. Then he was went to Gambella where he became the first teacher of the region. There, for more than 30 years, Caam taught in english. Caam met many times the socialist dictator Mengistu and, because of his past in the guerilla, he was friend with John Garang, the leader of SPLA. ("what were you talking about? -about war, tactics and strategies, he was a military, you know, and militaries just get interested in those issues").
Français : Mister Caam, un Anuak originaire du Soudan (lire le récit de sa vie en anglais)
Fuente Flickr [1]
Autor Turkairo


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17 de noviembre de 2008


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